The Big Red Raygun is a popular toy in WoW The War Within, and a lot of players want to farm it—either for themselves or to make gold because of its high price and demand in the Auction House. If you’re looking for the best way to get Red Raygun in a chill half-afk mode,… Continue reading Red Raygun Farm in WoW TWW
Castle Nathria Raid Guide: Entrance, Rewards, Bosses
Castle Nathria, the first raid of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, was released on the 8th of December, 2020. It remains a valuable source of transmogs, mounts, and collectibles in The War Within. This gothic stronghold in Revendreth features ten bosses, including Sire Denathrius, with unique armor sets, weapons, and achievements to earn. In this guide,… Continue reading Castle Nathria Raid Guide: Entrance, Rewards, Bosses
Best Addons for Making Gold in WoW Classic Era
If you’re serious about making gold in World of Warcraft Classic Era, having the right addons can save you time and maximize your profits. Whether you’re flipping items on the Auction House, farming materials, or managing your inventory, addons streamline the process and give you a competitive edge. However, the game is over 20 years… Continue reading Best Addons for Making Gold in WoW Classic Era
D2 Salvation’s Edge Loot Guide
Salvation’s Edge, part of Destiny 2’s The Final Shape expansion released on June 11, 2024, involves Guardians taking on the Witness’ Monolith in the Pale Heart of the Traveler. The raid includes challenging puzzles, tough enemies, and epic boss fights, ending with the Witness itself. Salvation’s Edge has 5 encounters, each offering unique Legendary weapons,… Continue reading D2 Salvation’s Edge Loot Guide
D2 Crota’s End Loot Guide
Crota’s End is a Destiny 2 raid originally from the first game, reintroduced in Season of the Witch on September 1, 2023. In this raid, Guardians return to the Hellmouth on the Moon to face the Hive and their resurrected leader, Crota, Son of Oryx. The raid features challenging encounters, dark atmospheric environments, and mechanics… Continue reading D2 Crota’s End Loot Guide
D2 Root of Nightmares Loot Guide
Root of Nightmares is a Destiny 2 raid added during the Lightfall expansion on February 28, 2023. In this raid, Guardians explore the mysterious Pyramid ship on Neptune, facing off against Shadow Legion forces and Nightmare constructs. The environment is filled with dark, surreal visuals and challenging mechanics tied to the Light and Darkness themes.… Continue reading D2 Root of Nightmares Loot Guide
D2 King’s Fall Loot Guide
King’s Fall is a Destiny 2 raid released with The Taken King expansion on September 15, 2015. In this raid, players face Oryx, the Taken King, and his army on the Dreadnaught. The fights are challenging and require good teamwork even in D2 TFS. King’s Fall has 5 encounters that offer various powerful rewards, including… Continue reading D2 King’s Fall Loot Guide
Essence of Fire Farm in WoW Classic
Essence of Fire is a valuable reagent in WoW Classic, used for crafting powerful gear like the Sulfuron Hammer, Smoking Heart of the Mountain, and Volcanic Armor Set. With the demand for fire-based materials rising in Season of Discovery (SoD), knowing where and how to farm Essence of Fire efficiently can help you earn gold… Continue reading Essence of Fire Farm in WoW Classic
D2 Vault of Glass Loot Guide
Vault of Glass is a Destiny 2 raid located on Venus, within the Vex structure of the same name. It was first introduced in the original Destiny on September 16, 2014, and later revamped for Destiny 2 on May 22, 2021. This raid is known for its challenging encounters and rich rewards. In this D2… Continue reading D2 Vault of Glass Loot Guide
D2 Vow of the Disciple Loot Guide
Vow of the Disciple is a Destiny 2 raid introduced with The Witch Queen expansion on February 22, 2022. In this raid, Guardians delve into the Pyramid on the Moon, facing the Lucent Hive and Scorn enemies while navigating through encounters inspired by the Hive’s dark rituals. This D2 raid has 4 encounters that drop… Continue reading D2 Vow of the Disciple Loot Guide