The Big Red Raygun is a popular toy in WoW The War Within, and a lot of players want to farm it—either for themselves or to make gold because of its high price and demand in the Auction House. If you’re looking for the best way to get Red Raygun in a chill half-afk mode,… Continue reading Red Raygun Farm in WoW TWW
Category: World of Warcraft
Castle Nathria Raid Guide: Entrance, Rewards, Bosses
Castle Nathria, the first raid of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, was released on the 8th of December, 2020. It remains a valuable source of transmogs, mounts, and collectibles in The War Within. This gothic stronghold in Revendreth features ten bosses, including Sire Denathrius, with unique armor sets, weapons, and achievements to earn. In this guide,… Continue reading Castle Nathria Raid Guide: Entrance, Rewards, Bosses
Living Essence Gold Farm Guide – WoW Retail
Gold farming in World of Warcraft can feel overwhelming, but with the right strategy, you’ll turn those hours into massive profits. Today, we’re breaking down one of Retail WoW’s most underrated gold farms: Living Essence from Felspore Bog Lords in Blasted Lands. This guide covers everything you need to know about this Gold farming method,… Continue reading Living Essence Gold Farm Guide – WoW Retail
How To Make More Gold From Professions in WoW TWW
If you want to make more gold from professions in World of Warcraft The War Within, refining and crafting your own materials is one of the easiest ways to cut costs and increase profits. Instead of paying high prices at the Auction House, you can refine lower-rank materials into higher ones, saving gold while crafting… Continue reading How To Make More Gold From Professions in WoW TWW
Liberation of Undermine Tier Sets For All Classes (The War Within Patch 11.1)
Death Knight Demon Hunter Druid Evoker Hunter Mage Monk Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior In World of Warcraft, tier sets have always been popular with players for their unique looks and benefits. The War Within expansion (patch 11.1) continues this with the Liberation of Undermine raid. Each armor set in this raid has unique… Continue reading Liberation of Undermine Tier Sets For All Classes (The War Within Patch 11.1)
Cross-Realm Guilds in WoW The War Within
World of Warcraft has always focused on bringing players together, and the introduction of Cross-Realm Guilds in The War Within expansion takes this to the next level. This new feature allows players from different servers to join the same guild. If you’re wondering how it works or what it means for you, this guide has… Continue reading Cross-Realm Guilds in WoW The War Within
Fast Ways to Farm Gold in WoW The War Within
Welcome to Gamingcy’s guide on farming gold in WoW: The War Within. Gold is the main currency in World of Warcraft and is essential for almost everything. You need it to buy mounts, gear upgrades, consumables, and prepare for raids or Mythic+ runs. Back in the early days of WoW, gold was hard to earn,… Continue reading Fast Ways to Farm Gold in WoW The War Within
WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide in The War Within
Leatherworking in The War Within is a crafting profession that lets you create gear, armor kits, and other useful items. This guide will help you level your Leatherworking skill from 1 to 100 efficiently, and help you understand this profession better, including all new WoW TWW mechanics. It’s best to pair Leatherworking with Skinning since… Continue reading WoW Leatherworking Leveling Guide in The War Within
WoW Mining Leveling Guide in The War Within
Mining in WoW The War Within is a simple but rewarding profession. It provides essential materials for Blacksmithing, Jewelcrafting, and Engineering. If you’re looking for a reliable way to gather materials and earn gold in World of Warcraft, mining is an excellent choice. In The War Within, Khaz Algar Mining introduces new ores, unique nodes,… Continue reading WoW Mining Leveling Guide in The War Within
WoW Inscription Leveling Guide in The War Within
Inscription in WoW The War Within has undergone significant changes, offering new opportunities for players who decide to choose this profession. This guide will help you efficiently level your Khaz Algar Inscription skill from 1 to 100, with clear steps and useful tips to save time and resources. In WoW TWW expansion, Inscription combines crafting… Continue reading WoW Inscription Leveling Guide in The War Within