Tailoring is a crafting profession in WoW Classic that allows players to create cloth armor, storage bags, and cosmetic items like shirts. Most Tailoring recipes require cloth materials, which are dropped by humanoid mobs throughout Azeroth. Common cloth types include Wool Cloth and Runecloth, both of which can be farmed or purchased from the Auction House.
In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about WoW Classic Tailoring, including:
- The best professions and classes to pair with Tailoring
- A leveling guide to reach 300 skill points as quickly as possible
- Trainer locations to level up your skill
- Cloth farming tips for the most efficient material gathering
Whether you’re looking to craft powerful gear, make gold from bags, or create stylish outfits, Tailoring is a versatile and rewarding profession in WoW Classic.
WoW Classic Tailoring Explained
Tailoring is a popular profession for casters in WoW Classic, often paired with Enchanting to dust unwanted crafted gear into materials. It allows players to turn cloth looted from mobs into bolts of cloth, which are then used to craft armor, cloaks, and bags.
- At higher levels, Tailors can create powerful cloth armor sets that offer either elemental resistance or unique bonuses. Notable resistance sets include Stygian (Shadow), Sylvan (Nature), Flarecore (Fire), and Glacial (Frost), while other crafted gear, such as Truefaith Vestments, Robe of the Void, Robe of the Archmage, and Bloodvine Garb, provides valuable stat boosts for different caster playstyles.
- Beyond armor, bag crafting is another major benefit of Tailoring, as bags are always in high demand. Tailors can create standard storage bags like the Runecloth Bag, as well as specialized bags for different professions. These include the Big Bag of Enchantment for Enchanters, the Satchel of Cenarius for Herbalists, and the Core Felcloth Bag for Warlocks.
- Tailoring is also popular among roleplayers due to its ability to craft cosmetic and RP clothing. While these items provide no combat advantage, they are widely sought after for their unique appearances. Notable examples include the White Wedding Dress, perfect for formal in-game events, and the Black Swashbuckler’s Shirt, a stylish pirate-themed outfit.
With its ability to produce valuable gear, essential bags, and fashionable clothing, Tailoring remains one of the most versatile and profitable professions in World of Warcraft Classic.
Best Professions to Pair with Tailoring
As said above, the most common pairing for WoW Classic Tailoring is Enchanting, as players can craft cloth gear and disenchant unwanted items for valuable materials. This synergy makes it easy to level both professions while maintaining a steady supply of Enchanting dust and essences.
Another viable option is Skinning, as some Tailoring recipes require leather components. However, since leather is usually affordable on the Auction House, many Tailors prefer to buy it or use an alt with Skinning instead of taking it as their main profession.
Best Classes for WoW Classic Tailoring
Tailoring is ideal for Mages, Priests, and Warlocks, as these classes wear cloth armor and can benefit from Tailoring-exclusive gear. Some of the most powerful crafted robes include:
Summing up, whether you’re crafting gear, making gold from bags, or supplying Enchanting materials, Tailoring remains a great profession in WoW Classic.
Shopping List for 1-300 Tailoring Leveling
Leveling Tailoring from 1 to 300 requires a significant amount of cloth, thread, dyes, and leather. Since not every craft guarantees a skill-up, the quantities below are estimates to account for possible failures, especially when using yellow and green recipes. To reduce material waste, it’s best to prioritize orange recipes unless a cheaper yellow option is available.
While collecting materials, make sure to purchase Pattern: Runecloth Gloves from Qia in Winterspring. If you also find Pattern: Runecloth Bag, it’s a great bonus. Qia’s patterns have a limited supply and can respawn randomly between a few minutes and 90 minutes, making it worthwhile to camp a character at her shop or check at off-peak hours. These patterns can also be bought from the Auction House, but expect higher prices due to their demand.
Estimated Tailoring Materials Needed (1-300):
Cloth & Leather | Quantity |
Linen Cloth | 190 |
Wool Cloth | 135 |
Silk Cloth | 820 |
Mageweave Cloth | 500 |
Runecloth | 775 |
Rugged Leather | 92 |
Threads | Quantity |
Coarse Thread | 40 |
Fine Thread | 130 |
Silken Thread | 20 |
Heavy Silken Thread | 75 |
Rune Thread | 45 |
Dyes & Other Materials | Quantity |
Bleach | 10 |
Blue Dye | 40 |
Red Dye | 80 |
Orange Dye | 5 |
By preparing these materials ahead of time, you can level Tailoring efficiently without unnecessary delays or overpaying on the Auction House.
The Fastest 1-300 Vanilla Tailoring
If you want to level Tailoring fast in WoW Classic without worrying about material costs, this method is the most efficient way to reach 300 skill. It’s also the best option for Enchanting, as you’ll be crafting a large number of items that can be disenchanted for materials—especially after reaching Tailoring 160.
This approach focuses on high-yield recipes that provide the fastest skill-ups. If you’re also leveling Enchanting, consider alternative recipes that produce useful disenchantable items, such as using Brown Linen Robe instead of Linen Belt.
By following this method, you’ll be able to level Tailoring efficiently, craft valuable gear and bags, and, if paired with Enchanting, gain a steady supply of materials for enchants along the way.
Tailoring 1 – 125
- Start by crafting 95 Bolts of Linen Cloth using 190 Linen Cloth, which will be needed for later recipes. At skill level 45, craft 25 Linen Belts using 25 Bolts of Linen Cloth and 25 Coarse Thread.
- From 70-75, make 5 Reinforced Linen Capes using 10 Bolts of Linen Cloth and 15 Coarse Thread. Once you reach Tailoring 75, visit a trainer to learn Journeyman Tailoring (requires level 10+).
- At 75-100, craft 45 Bolts of Woolen Cloth using 135 Wool Cloth and save them for later use. From 100-110, make 15 Simple Kilts with 60 Bolts of Linen Cloth and 15 Fine Thread. Then, from 110-125, craft 15 Double-stitched Woolen Shoulders using 45 Bolts of Woolen Cloth and 30 Fine Thread.
- Before progressing past 150, ensure you train Expert Tailoring (requires level 20+).
Tailoring 125 – 220
- For 125-145, craft 205 Bolts of Silk Cloth using 820 Silk Cloth, which will be used in upcoming recipes. From 145-160, craft 20 Azure Silk Hoods using 40 Bolts of Silk Cloth, 20 Fine Thread, and 40 Blue Dye.
- At 160-170, craft 10 Silk Headbands with 30 Bolts of Silk Cloth and 20 Fine Thread. From 170-175, make 5 Formal White Shirts using 15 Bolts of Silk Cloth, 5 Fine Thread, and 10 Bleach.
- Between 175-185, craft 100 Bolts of Mageweave Cloth using 500 Mageweave Cloth, saving them for later. From 185-205, make 20 Crimson Silk Vests with 80 Bolts of Silk Cloth, 40 Fine Thread, and 40 Red Dye.
- At 205-215, craft 10 Crimson Silk Pantaloons using 40 Bolts of Silk Cloth, 20 Silken Thread, and 20 Red Dye. Finally, from 215-220, craft 5 Orange Mageweave Shirts using 5 Bolts of Mageweave, 5 Heavy Silken Thread, and 5 Orange Dye.
Before 225, ensure you train Artisan Tailoring (requires level 35+).
Tailoring 220 – 300
- Start by crafting 10 Black Mageweave Gloves from 220-230, which require 20 Bolts of Mageweave and 20 Heavy Silken Thread. From 230-250, make 25 Black Mageweave Headbands using 75 Bolts of Mageweave and 50 Heavy Silken Thread.
- At 250-260, craft 155 Bolts of Runecloth using 775 Runecloth. This will be used for the next stages of leveling.
- Between 260-280, craft 25 Runecloth Belts using 75 Bolts of Runecloth and 25 Rune Thread.
- From 280-300, craft 20 Runecloth Gloves, which require 80 Bolts of Runecloth, 80 Rugged Leather, and 20 Rune Thread.
The Pattern: Runecloth Gloves is sold by Qia in Everlook, Winterspring. This vendor also sells Pattern: Runecloth Bag, which can be another good crafting option if you manage to obtain it. However, both patterns are limited supply, and the vendor is often camped by other players.
If you can’t get the Runecloth Gloves recipe, you can continue crafting Runecloth Belts up to 300, but since they turn gray at 300, you’ll need a lot more Runecloth to reach max Tailoring level.
Apprentice & Journeyman Tailoring Trainers (1-150 Skill)
Apprentice Tailoring can be learned at level 5, and Journeyman Tailoring is available at level 10. Trainers can be found in most major cities.
Alliance Trainers:
- Ironforge – Uthrar Threx or Jormund Stonebrow (Stonebrow’s Clothier) – /way 43.6, 28.2
- Darnassus – Trianna (Craftsmen’s Terrace) – /way 63.6, 21.6
- Darnassus – Me’lynn (Craftsmen’s Terrace) – /way 62.6, 22.6
- Darkshore – Grondal Moonbreeze (Auberdine) – /way 38.2, 40.6
- Elwynn Forest – Eldrin (Eastvale Logging Camp) – /way 79.2, 69
- Stormwind City – Lawrence Schneider (Mage Quarter, Duncan’s Textiles) – /way 43.6, 73.8
- Stormwind City – Sellandus (Mage Quarter, Larson Clothiers) – /way 42, 76.2
Horde Trainers:
- Undercity – Victor Ward or Rhiannon Davis (Magic Quarter) – /way 70.2, 29.6
- Thunder Bluff – Vhan or Tepa (Central Bluff, Thunder Bluff Armorers) – /way 44, 44.6
- Orgrimmar – Snang or Magar (The Drag, Magar’s Cloth Goods) – /way 63, 49.6
- The Barrens – Kil’hala (The Crossroads) – /way 52.2, 31.6
- Tirisfal Glades – Bowen Brisboise (Cold Hearth Manor) – /way 52.6, 55.6
- The Barrens – Mahani (Camp Taurajo) – /way 44.8, 59.4
Neutral Trainers:
- Stranglethorn Vale – Grarnik Goodstitch (Booty Bay) – /way 28.6, 76.8
- Felwood – Meilosh (Timbermaw Hold) – /way 65.6, 2.8
- Note: Requires Neutral reputation with Timbermaw Hold to train.
Expert Tailoring Trainers (125-200 Skill, Level 20 Required)
- Stormwind City – Georgio Bolero (Mage Quarter, Duncan’s Textiles) – /way 43.2, 73.6
- Undercity – Josef Gregorian (Magic Quarter) – /way 70.6, 30.6
Artisan Tailoring Trainers (200-300 Skill, Level 35 Required)
- Dustwallow Marsh – Timothy Worthington (Theramore Isle) – /way 66.2, 51.6
- Hillsbrad Foothills – Daryl Stack (Tarren Mill) – /way 63.6, 20.8
WoW Classic Cloth Farming Tips
Cloth in WoW Classic primarily drops from Humanoids, making them the best targets for farming. Other sources include Undead, Demons, some elite Giants, and a few high-level dungeon and raid elites. However, Felcloth is unique as it mostly drops from Demons. The type of cloth a mob drops depends on its level: Linen Cloth (5-20), Wool Cloth (16-30), Silk Cloth (28-40), Mageweave Cloth (38-50), Runecloth (50+), and Felcloth (50+ from Demons).
- For Linen Cloth, the best Alliance spots include Westfall (Defias and Riverpaw camps), Loch Modan (Tunnel Rats and Troggs), and Darkshore (Highborne Ghosts and Blackwood Furbolgs). Horde players should focus on The Barrens (Razormane Gnolls and Southsea Pirates), Tirisfal Glades (Scarlet Crusade camps), and Durotar (Kul Tiras Marines and Razormane camps). Westfall is the best spot overall due to high mob density and spawn rates.
- For Wool Cloth, good locations include Redridge Mountains (Gnoll and Orc camps), Hillsbrad Foothills (Durnholde Keep and Hillsbrad Fields), and Stonetalon Mountains (Venture Co. and Harpies). Horde players can farm Ashenvale (Furbolgs and Demons) and The Barrens (Harpies and Pirates). Stonetalon Mountains and Redridge Mountains offer the best drop rates.
- For Silk Cloth, Thousand Needles (Galak Centaur and Kobolds), Alterac Mountains (Syndicate and Crushridge Ogres), and Scarlet Monastery (Library and Armory wings) are top choices. Scarlet Monastery is especially great for bulk farming Silk.
- For Mageweave Cloth, focus on Tanaris (Dunemaul Ogres), Feralas (Gordunni Ogres and Harpies), and Zul’Farrak (dungeon farming). The Dunemaul Ogres in Tanaris are considered one of the best Mageweave farms in the game.
- For Runecloth, the most efficient spots are Western Plaguelands (Andorhal and Scarlet Crusade camps), Eastern Plaguelands (Plaguewood and Corrin’s Crossing), and Silithus (Twilight Cultists). Dungeons like Stratholme and Scholomance are also excellent for farming Runecloth.
- For Felcloth, the best locations are Felwood (Jadefire Satyrs) and Azshara (Legashi Satyrs). Dire Maul’s Warpwood Quarter is the best dungeon for Felcloth farming.
To maximize cloth farming, focus on mob density, respawn timers, and low-competition areas. If you’re a tailor, using this farmed cloth efficiently can help level your profession quickly or generate gold by selling cloth or crafted bags.
WoW Classic Tailoring Bags Overview
The bags below provide extra inventory space (check the table): it’s not a secret that most WoW Classic players are always in lack of it. Some patterns are trainer-taught, while others require drops or reputation vendors. High-demand bags like the Runecloth Bag and Mooncloth Bag are excellent for gold-making. Pattern: Enchanted Runecloth Bag (Drop)Runecloth ×6, Enchanted Leather ×4, Rune Thread ×2