Best Brave Weapons in Destiny 2

Best Brave Weapons in Destiny 2

Brave weapons in Destiny 2 The Final Shape Episode 3 are a special set of powerful guns introduced with the Into the Light update. Among them, there are many decent examples, which will be useful in all types of D2 TFS content: we’ll tell you more about them below.

icon To get Brave weapons, players need to participate in the Onslaught activity. Each week, new Brave weapons are released according to a set schedule. For example, in the first week, Edge Transit and Elsie’s Rifle are available. In subsequent weeks, other items like Luna’s Howl and Forbearance are introduced. Completing the Onslaught, especially by reaching higher waves, increases the chances of getting these weapons. Additionally, special quests from Arcite 99-40 guarantee limited-edition versions with curated perks and unique visuals.

Brave weapons are a must-farm for any Destiny 2 player looking to enhance their arsenal.

icon In the following text, we will explore the best Brave weapons for PvE and PvP, detailing their top perks, God rolls, and how to get them.

The Recluse SMG

The Recluse

Weapon Name: The Recluse
Weapon Type: Submachine GunSubmachine Gun
Tier Rank: Tier-A A (PvE,PvP)
Slot: Void Energy
Ammo: Primary Primary
Archetype: Lightweight
Rarity: Legendary
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? The Recluse is a Void smg with the Feeding Frenzy perk, which increases reload speed after kills, and the Master of Arms perk, which boosts weapon damage after kills. This makes it highly effective in both PvE and PvP.

Its Lightweight Frame trait provides superb handling and allows players to move faster with the weapon equipped.

Its Desperate Measures and AP rounds are often highlighted as strong points, and it remains a popular choice for players seeking a powerful submachine gun.

How to Get it? To get The Recluse, you need to participate in the Onslaught Activity, which is part of the free-to-play Into the Light update. Additionally, you can complete a quest through Arcite in the Hall of Champions to unlock The Recluse’s weapon attunement, which increases the drop chance of The Recluse by 50%.
PvE God Roll:
  • Barrel: Smallbore
  • Magazine: Flared Magwell
  • Perk 1: Repulsor Brace
  • Perk 2: Desperate Measures (also good: Destabilizing Rounds)
  • Masterwork: Range or Stability
PvP God Roll:
  • Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling
  • Magazine: Ricochet Rounds
  • Perk 1: Dynamic Sway Reduction
  • Perk 2: Master of Arms
  • Masterwork: Range

Falling Guillotine (Sword)

Falling Guillotine

Weapon Name: Falling Guillotine
Weapon Type: SwordSword
Tier Rank: Tier-S S-tier for PvE, Tier-B B-tier for PvP
Slot: Void Power
Ammo: Heavy Heavy
Archetype: Vortex
Rarity: Legendary
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? The Falling Guillotine is an excellent weapon due to its ability to roll with double damage perks, such as Frenzy and Vorpal Weapon in the first column, and Bait and Switch and Surrounded in the second column. These perks facilitate its use in a swap rotation for DPS, providing a 45-50% damage bonus, making it a strong contender for both PvE and PvP situations.
How to Get it? It can be obtained from the new ‘Onslaught‘ activity, which rewards it every ten waves. Players can also acquire it by completing the attunement quest from Arcite or by entering the Hall of Champions and using Brave Trophies to open a specific loot chest.
PvE God Roll:
  • Blade: Jagged Edge
  • Guard: Swordmaster’s Guard
  • Perk 1: Frenzy or Relentless Strikes (also good: Vorpal Weapon)
  • Perk 2: Eager Edge or Surrounded
  • Masterwork: Impact
PvP God Roll:
  • Blade: Hungry Edge
  • Guard: Swordmaster’s Guard
  • Perk 1: Vorpal Weapon
  • Perk 2: Eager Edge
  • Masterwork: Impact

Hammerhead (Machine Gun)


Weapon Name: Hammerhead
Weapon Type: Machine GunMachine Gun
Tier Rank: Tier-S S-Tier (PvE and PvP)
Slot: Void Power
Ammo: Heavy Heavy
Archetype: Adaptive
Rarity: Legendary
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? The Hammerhead is a void machine gun that has made a return in the game’s Into the Light update, boasting double damage perks and a smooth sound. The god roll for this weapon typically includes Rampage and Killing Tally, providing unparalleled damage potential and making it a top choice for many players.

The Hammerhead is praised for its ability to clear ads efficiently and excel in various activities, including Gambit, where it takes out champions and invaders with ease. Its versatile perk pool allows for unique combinations, such as Rampage + Onslaught or Rewind Rounds and Killing Tally, catering to different playstyles. Also, the weapon has a comfortable recoil direction and a solid reload speed, further enhancing its overall performance.

How to Get it? It can be obtained by playing the new activity associated with Into the Light called Onslaught. Arcite offers a quest that unlocks Hammerhead’s attunement, which increases drop chances for the weapon by 50%.
PvE God Roll:
  • Barrel: Arrowhead Break
  • Magazine: Appended Mag
  • Perk 1: Rampage
  • Perk 2: Killing Tally
  • Masterwork: Handling
PvP God Roll:
  • Barrel: Arrowhead Break
  • Magazine: Ricochet Rounds
  • Perk 1: Rampage
  • Perk 2: Tap the Trigger
  • Masterwork: Stability

Succession (Brave) SR


Weapon Name: Succession
Weapon Type: Sniper RifleSniper Rifle
Tier Rank: Tier-S S-Tier (PvE and PvP)
Slot: Kinetic Kinetic
Ammo: Special Special
Archetype: Aggressive
Rarity: Legendary
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? The Succession sniper rifle is a popular weapon, and its new BRAVE variant continues to impress with its high damage per shot and potent perk combinations. In PvE, it excels in activities of all difficulty levels, while in The Crucible, it has everything it needs to excel against other players. Its original version is still available in the Deep Stone Crypt raid, but the new BRAVE variant is easier to obtain and comes with different perks.
How to Get it? To get the Succession (BRAVE variant), you can focus-farm it from Onslaught, the free-to-play activity that was released with Into the Light. Arcite offers a quest in the Hall of Champions that will unlock Succession’s attunement, which increases the sniper’s drop chance by 50%.
PvE God Roll:
  • Barrel: Fluted Barrel
  • Magazine: Extended Mag
  • Perk 1: Reconstruction (also good: Lead from Gold)
  • Perk 2: Recombination (also good: Firing Line)
  • Masterwork: Handling
PvP God Roll:
  • Barrel: Fluted Barrel
  • Magazine: Accurized Rounds
  • Perk 1: Moving Target
  • Perk 2: Snapshot Sights
  • Masterwork: Handling

Forbearance (Brave) GL


Weapon Name: Forbearance
Weapon Type: Grenade LauncherGrenade Launcher
Tier Rank: Tier-S S-Tier (PvE), Tier-C C-tier (PvP)
Slot: Arc Energy
Ammo: Special Special
Archetype: Wave
Rarity: Legendary
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? Forbearance is a powerful grenade launcher that is highly sought after in PvE due to its combination of perks, particularly Demolitionist and Chain Reaction. Demolitionist allows grenade kills to reload the weapon, while Chain Reaction causes grenade kills to chain to nearby enemies. This makes Forbearance an excellent tool for add-clearing in PvE activities. However, in PvP, it is less effective due to a lack of PvP-focused perks.
How to Get it? To get the Forbearance, you need to complete 10-wave rounds in the Onslaught activity. Upon defeating the boss at the end of each set of 10 waves, a chest (or two if you’re on Legend difficulty) will spawn. Players can also increase their odds of getting Forbearance by completing the attunement quest from Arcite, causing the game to drop many more Forbearances.
PvE God Roll:
  • Barrel: Quick Launch
  • Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds
  • Perk 1: Demolitionist (also good: Ambitious Assassin)
  • Perk 2: Chain Reaction (also good: One for All)
  • Masterwork: Reload Speed (also good: Handling)
PvP God Roll:
  • Barrel: Quick Launch
  • Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds
  • Perk 1: Disruption Break (also good: Surplus)
  • Perk 2: Golden Tricorn
  • Masterwork: Handling

Blast Furnace (Pulse Rifle)

Blast Furnace

Weapon Name: Blast Furnace
Weapon Type: Pulse RiflePulse Rifle
Tier Rank: Tier-B B-tier for PvE, Tier-A A-tier for PvP
Slot: Kinetic Kinetic
Ammo: Primary Primary
Archetype: Aggressive
Rarity: Legendary
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? The Blast Furnace is a Kinetic Aggressive Burst pulse rifle that can be obtained through Onslaught activities. It competes with weapons like Belisarius-D, Disparity, and Sacred Providence. While it has a slightly longer Time to Kill (TTK) than High-Impact pulse rifles, it makes up for it with its stats. In PvE, it has solid perks that might help it stand out in the meta.
How to Get it? To get the Blast Furnace, players need to complete the weapon quest associated with it, which can be obtained from Onslaught or Shaxx’s version of Xur’s Treasure Horde. Players can also attune to the weapon at one of Shaxx’s holograms for better chances of obtaining it.
PvE God Roll:
  • Barrel: Fluted Barrel
  • Magazine: Appended Mag
  • Perk 1: Kinetic Tremors (backup: Shoot to Loot)
  • Perk 2: Desperate Measures or One For All
  • Masterwork: Handling
PvP God Roll: 3v3 (Trials)

  • Barrel: Arrowhead Break
  • Magazine: Accurized Rounds
  • Perk 1: Zen Moment or Headseeker
  • Perk 2: Rapid-Hit
  • Masterwork: Stability or Handling


  • Barrel: Arrowhead Break
  • Magazine: Accurized Rounds
  • Perk 1: Perpetual Motion
  • Perk 2: Kill Clip or Rampage
  • Masterwork: Stability or Handling

Midnight Coup (Hand Cannon)

Midnight Coup

Weapon Name: Midnight Coup
Weapon Type: Hand CannonHand Cannon
Tier Rank: Tier-S S-tier for PvE, Tier-B B-tier for PvP
Slot: Kinetic Kinetic
Ammo: Primary Primary
Archetype: Adaptive
Rarity: Legendary
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? Midnight Coup is a highly regarded weapon due to its impressive performance and unique perk combinations. In PvE, the Firefly and One For All roll is particularly praised, as it significantly enhances damage output and combat efficiency. Players revel in the power of this insane perk combo, amplifying their damage output and efficiency in combat. While some prefer other perks like Explosive Payload, the sheer effectiveness of Firefly and One For All cannot be denied.
How to Get it? It can be obtained from the Onslaught Activity in the Into the Light expansion. Players can earn ‘Hype’ reputation during Into the Light activities and use it to open reward chests in the Hall of Champions, which may drop Midnight Coup and other BRAVE arsenal weapons.
PvE God Roll:
  • Barrel: Fluted Barrel
  • Magazine: Appended Mag
  • Perk 1: Firefly or Explosive Payload
  • Perk 2: Frenzy or One for All
  • Masterwork: Handling
PvP God Roll:
  • Barrel: Smallbore
  • Magazine: Accurised Rounds
  • Perk 1: Explosive Payload or Moving Target
  • Perk 2: Zen Moment or Opening Shot
  • Masterwork: Range

Elsie’s Rifle (Pulse Rifle)

Elsie’s Rifle

Weapon Name: Elsie’s Rifle
Weapon Type: Pulse Rifle Pulse Rifle
Tier Rank: Tier-A A-tier for PvE and PvP
Slot: Void Energy
Ammo: Primary Primary
Archetype: High-Impact
Rarity: Legendary
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? In PvP, Elsie’s Rifle has slightly less range than The Messenger but makes up for it with 10 more recoil direction, making it very stable with the right mods. It also has access to stat-boosting perks, making it a strong energy slot contender in 3v3 modes.

In PvE, while high-impact pulses are less common and can be clunky, Elsie’s Rifle can still be enjoyable for add clear and short work of most enemies.

How to Get it? It can be obtained as a reward from the Onslaught activity in Destiny 2. Players can also increase their chances of getting it by completing the associated weapon quest from Arcite-44.
PvE God Roll:
  • Barrel: Fluted Barrel
  • Magazine: Tactical Mag
  • Perk 1: Rewind Rounds or Repulsor Brace
  • Perk 2: Frenzy or Desperate Measures
  • Masterwork: Reload Speed
PvP God Roll:
  • Barrel: Arrowhead Break
  • Magazine: Ricochet Rounds
  • Perk 1: Zen Moment or Keep Away
  • Perk 2: Headseeker, Desperado, or Kill Clip
  • Masterwork: Range

The Mountaintop (Grenade Launcher)

The Mountaintop

Weapon Name: The Mountaintop
Weapon Type: Grenade LauncherGrenade Launcher
Tier Rank: Tier-S S-tier for PvE, Tier-A A-tier for PvP
Slot: Kinetic Kinetic
Ammo: Special Special
Archetype: Micro-Missile
Rarity: Legendary
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? The Mountaintop is a powerful weapon in Destiny 2 TFS Episode Heresy, having dominated the current meta despite significant nerfs.

Its micro-missile archetype and stacked perk pool make it excel in PvE, earning it an S-tier ranking. It has access to perks like Lead from Gold, Auto-Loading Holster, Recombination, Frenzy, Vorpal Weapon, making it a versatile and deadly option in various situations.

In PvP, it is still usable but not as exciting as other options, placing it in the A-tier. The Mountaintop is a Kinetic, Special ammo Grenade Launcher that was released in the Into the Light expansion and can be obtained through the Onslaught Activity.

How to Get it? To obtain The Mountaintop, players must complete the Onslaught Activity in the Into the Light update and have a 50% increased drop rate with the attunement quest from Arcite in the Hall of Champions.
PvE God Roll:
  • Launcher Barrel: Quick Launch
  • Magazine: Spike Grenades
  • Perk 1: Auto-Loading Holster
  • Perk 2: Frenzy or Recombination
  • Masterwork: Velocity
PvP God Roll:
  • Launcher Barrel: Volatile Launch
  • Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds
  • Perk 1: Impulse Amplifier
  • Perk 2: Harmony or Vorpal Weapon
  • Masterwork: Velocity

Edge Transit (Grenade Launcher)

Edge Transit

Weapon Name: Edge Transit
Weapon Type: Grenade LauncherGrenade Launcher
Tier Rank: Tier-S S-Tier in PvE, Tier-B B-Tier in PvP
Slot: Void Power
Ammo: Heavy Heavy
Archetype: Adaptive
Rarity: Legendary
What Makes it a Meta Weapon? Edge Transit has an S-tier ranking in PvE due to its excellent boss damage capabilities. Its perk pool, particularly the combination of Envious Assassin and Bait and Switch, allows for high burst damage and increased reload speed, making it a popular choice among players. However, its performance in PvP is not as impressive, with a B-tier ranking.
How to Get it? It can be farmed through the Onslaught activity, and its drop chance can be increased by 50% by attuning to the weapon in the Hall of Champions, available by completing the weapon’s respective quest from Arcite.
PvE God Roll:
  • Barrel: Quick Launch
  • Magazine: Spike Grenades
  • Perk 1: Envious Assassin (or Cascade Point for high burst damage)
  • Perk 2: Bait and Switch
  • Masterwork: Velocity or Handling
PvP God Roll:
  • Barrel: Volatile Launch
  • Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds
  • Perk 1: Impulse Amplifier
  • Perk 2: Explosive Light
  • Masterwork: Velocity
Categorized as Destiny 2

By Zaaid el-Greiss

Meet Zaaid el-Greiss, a top-rated author and avid gamer with deep insights into WoW, Destiny 2, and more, known for his engaging guides and articles.

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