The Dragonflight expansion brings many new WoW mounts for players to collect. Some of them, like Anu’relos and the Verdant Armoredon, require players to complete difficult PvE or PvP challenges and spend a lot of time in the game. However, Dragonflight also includes mounts that are much easier to unlock. To help players, here is a list of 10 easy-to-get mounts, along with simple guides on how to get them.
The mounts on this list meet simple criteria:
- You can get them solo or with help from players in the LFG tool.
- They are guaranteed if you complete specific tasks.
- All you need is an easy-to-understand guide (not a well-geared high-skilled team, great luck with a low chance drop, or tons of gold and time spent hunting them in Black Market Auction House).
This way, even players with limited time or those looking for easy options can add more mounts to their collection in Dragonflight.
Temperamental Skyclaw
It’s believed a specific quest unlock is required. Completing the Sojourner of Azure Span achievement is guaranteed to unlock the ability to get the mount. It’s speculated that completing the True Survivors or Whack-a-Gnoll questline might suffice, though this hasn’t been definitively confirmed.
- Dishes Required for the Mount:
- Flash Frozen Meat x20
- Gnolan’s House Special x20
- Tuskarr Jerky x20
- Obtaining Flash Frozen Meat:
- Gnolan’s House Special and Tuskarr Jerky can be purchased from the Auction House for those looking to save time. Alternatively:
- Gnolan’s House Special is dropped by Gnolls in Brackenhide Hollow.
- Tuskarr Jerky is dropped by Darkhide Gnolls at coordinates 34.82, 45.33.
- Flash Frozen Meat drops from Gnolls at Camp Nowhere but only for characters who have completed a specific side quest in Azure Span, likely True Survivors or Whack-a-Gnoll. This item can also be traded on the Auction House, though availability may be limited due to drop restrictions.
- Gnolan’s House Special and Tuskarr Jerky can be purchased from the Auction House for those looking to save time. Alternatively:
- Farming Tip: All dishes have low drop rates, so expect to spend around 20 minutes farming each stack.
- Once you’ve gathered 20 of each dish, find Zon’Wogi at Three-Falls Lookout in Azure Span.
- Talk to Zon’Wogi, inquire about his Slyvern, and then present him with the collected dishes to receive the Temperamental Skyclaw mount.
- Step 1: Acquire an Empty Magma Shell
- Begin your journey in the Waking Shores of the Dragon Isles.
- Farm the Empty Magma Shell from either Lavaslurper or Basalt Shell mobs located south of the Obsidian Sanctum, near the lava river (approximately at coordinates 22,71).
- Alternatively, you can purchase an Empty Magma Shell from the Auction House. Depending on the market, the price may range from 1,000 to 10,000 Gold.
- Step 2: Find and Empower the Snail
- With the Empty Magma Shell in your inventory, fly to Scalecracker Keep. At the peak of the mountain, you’ll find a large pool of lava.
- The Empowered Snail resides within this lava lake. Its precise location is at coordinates 71.2, 25.4.
- Enter the lava and use the Empty Magma Shell to begin a channeled cast named Embiggening Snail on the Empowered Snail. The cast time is 20 seconds.
- Additional Tips for Survival:
- Most characters will not survive the lava damage for the duration of the cast without a healer or a heal over time effect.
- To mitigate lava damage, acquire an Everlasting Horn of Lavaswimming. This item grants immunity to lava damage on the Dragon Isles for 10 minutes, with a cooldown of 30 minutes. It’s a valuable tool for safely interacting with the Empowered Snail.
- Successfully completing the embiggening process grants you the Magmashell mount, a stunning addition to your collection.
Stormhide Salamanther
- Find the NPC:
- Mythressa is your go-to NPC for purchasing the Stormhide Salamanther mount.
- You can find Mythressa in Valdrakken at coordinates 38.10, 37.75.
- Collect Elemental Overflow:
- Elemental Overflow is the currency required to obtain the Stormhide Salamanther mount.
- Participate in Primal Elemental Storms across the Dragon Isles to earn Elemental Overflow. These dynamic events typically last about 2 hours.
- Defeating any enemy mobs within the Elemental Storm zones will reward you with Elemental Overflow.
- Acquire the Mount:
- Once you’ve farmed 2000 Elemental Overflow, make your way to Mythressa in Valdrakken.
- Exchange the collected 2000 Elemental Overflow with Mythressa to claim your Stormhide Salamanther mount.
- No Specific Requirements:
- There are no special requirements to acquire this mount other than farming the needed 2000 Elemental Overflow.
Zenet Hatchling
- Locate Zenet Avis:
- The key to obtaining the Zenet Hatchling mount starts with finding a rare spawn named Zenet Avis .
- Zenet Avis is located in the Ohn’ahran Plains at coordinates 31.6, 64.0.
- Acquire the Zenet Egg:
- Unlike other mounts that might drop directly, the Zenet Hatchling comes from a Zenet Egg.
- This egg has a very low drop chance from Zenet Avis.
- Ensure to keep this egg in your inventory for at least 7 days for it to hatch.
- Hatch the Zenet Egg:
- After the 7-day period, the Zenet Hatchling will hatch, rewarding you with the Zenet Hatchling mount.
- Enjoy Your New Mount:
- Congratulations! After patiently waiting for the egg to hatch, you are now the proud owner of the new Zenet Hatchling mount introduced in the Dragonflight expansion.
Lizi’s Reins
- Requirements:
- Complete the main storyline of the Maruuk Centaur tribe.
- Achieve level nine Renown with the Maruuk Centaur faction.
- Ensure you are level 70.
- Complete the quest Initiate’s Day Out. You can find the quest giver, Initiate Radiya, at coordinates 56.25, 75.95 in the Dragon Isles. The first quest in this chain is called Sneaking Out.
- Completing To Tame a Thunderspine Quest:
- After meeting all requirements, return to Initiate Radiya to start the To Tame a Thunderspine quest.
- This quest spans over five days, each requiring different items to be collected from across the Dragon Isles. You will also need 150 Dragon Isles Supplies for each day’s quest.
- Items Required for Each Day:
- Day One: Collect 20 Fluorescent Fluid, which drops from any insect-like creature on the Dragon Isles.
- Day Two: Gather 20 High-Fiber Leaf, found on any plant-like creature across the Dragon Isles.
- Day Three: Fish for 10 Thousandbite Piranha, which can be caught anywhere on the Dragon Isles.
- Day Four: Obtain 20 Woolly Mountain Pelt, dropped by any woolly-like creatures on the Dragon Isles.
- Day Five: Purchase one Meluun’s Green Curry from Ohn Meluun at coordinates 53.51, 78.98.
- Final Steps:
- Upon completing the quests for all five days, you will be rewarded with the Beast of the Plains quest, which awards Lizi’s Reins.
- Accept this quest and speak to Initiate Radiya again to receive your Thunderspine mount, Lizi’s Reins.
Ivory Trader’s Ottuk
- Locate the NPC:
- Visit Tattukiaka in the Azure Span at coordinates 14.0, 49.6 to start your journey towards obtaining the Ivory Trader’s Ottuk mount.
- Visit Tattukiaka in the Azure Span at coordinates 14.0, 49.6 to start your journey towards obtaining the Ivory Trader’s Ottuk mount.
- Required Items:
- To obtain the mount, you’ll need to collect three specific items dropped by bosses in different dungeons:
- Thunderous Downburst Ring: Dropped by The Raging Tempest in The Nokhud Offensive dungeon.
- Unstable Arcane Loop: Obtained from Leymor in The Azure Vault dungeon.
- Platinum Star Band: Dropped by Vexamus in The Algeth’ar Academy dungeon.
- To obtain the mount, you’ll need to collect three specific items dropped by bosses in different dungeons:
- Steps to Acquire the Mount:
- Venture into each listed dungeon to defeat the specified bosses and secure the drops. The dungeons are:
- The Nokhud Offensive,
- The Azure Vault,
- The Algeth’ar Academy.
- Collect the Thunderous Downburst Ring, Unstable Arcane Loop, and Platinum Star Band.
- Once all three items are in your possession, return to Tattukiaka in the Azure Span and exchange them for the Ivory Trader’s Ottuk mount.
- Venture into each listed dungeon to defeat the specified bosses and secure the drops. The dungeons are:
- Additional Tips:
- The acquisition of the Ivory Trader’s Ottuk mount is straightforward but requires a bit of luck with the drop rates from the bosses.
- Consider running these dungeons with a group to improve your chances of obtaining the required items more efficiently.
Otto Mount
- Step 1: Learn Fishing
- Learn how to Fish from any Fishing trainer located on the Dragon Isles. Fishing trainers can typically be found in areas populated by members of the Iskaara Tuskarr.
- Step 2: Increase Renown with Iskaara Tuskarr
- Level up your Renown with the Iskaara Tuskarr faction to level seven to unlock Fishing Holes in the Waking Shores and Ohn’ahran Plains.
- Step 3: Obtain the Iskaaran Harpoon
- Gather items found in Iskaara to craft the Iskaaran Harpoon. Ask Tavio to craft this for you.
- Step 4: Fish for Harpoon Lunkers
- Head to the Ruby Life Pool’s Fishing Hole in the Waking Shores.
- Join a group to fish for Harpoon Lunkers to collect 75 Copper Coin of the Isles.
- Step 5: Exchange Coins with the Great Swog
- Visit the Great Swog in a cave at coordinates 82.2, 73.2.
- Exchange your 75 Copper Coins of the Isles for Silver Coins, then trade those for a
Gold Coin.
- Visit the Great Swog in a cave at coordinates 82.2, 73.2.
- Step 6: Acquire Immaculate Sac of Swog Treasures
- Use the Gold Coin to purchase the Immaculate Sac of Swog Treasures, which contains Aquatic Shades.
- Step 7: Dance at the Dive Bar
- Go to the dive bar north of the Obsidian Citadel at coordinates 19.16, 36.60.
- Stand on the dance pad next to the bar and use the /dance command for five minutes to receive the Dance, Dance ‘Til You’re Dead debuff, which teleports you to Vazallia’s hangout spot.
- Step 8: Fill the Barrel with Fish
- Pick up the interactable barrel and fish in Iskaara at coordinates 12.19, 50 for 100 Frigid Floe Fish.
- Next, fish in the lava at the Waking Shores at coordinates 33.67, 64.75 for 25 Calamitous Carp.
- Finally, travel to Thaldraszus to coordinates 56, 44 and catch one Kingfin, the Wise Whiskerfish.
- Step 9: Return the Filled Barrel
- After filling the barrel, return it to the coordinates 20.2, 39.6.
- Upon returning the barrel, Otto will spawn in front of you, offering the mount.
Scrappy Worldsnail
- Unlocking The Worldbreakers:
- First, complete the side quest chain “The Shadow of His Wings,” part of the Sojourner of the Waking Shores achievement.
- Start with two quests — “Punching Up” and “A Cultist’s Misgivings” — from Ingot at coordinates 37.4, 46.6 or 39.4, 48.2.
- Continue the quest chain until you complete “The Shadow of His Wings.“
- Becoming A Worldbreaker:
- Obtain a Worldbreaker Membership from the Twilight Cache given by Igys the Believer for turning in a Restored Obsidian Key. Note that the membership drop is not guaranteed but has a relatively high drop rate.
- Use the Worldbreaker Membership to gain Worldbreaker status, which lasts for a couple of days but will be lost upon death. To regain Worldbreaker status without turning in another key, purchase a new membership from Dealer Vexil (34.8, 46.6) for 20 Magmotes.
- Farming Magmotes:
- To obtain the Scrappy Worldsnail, you need 1,000 Magmotes.
- Magmotes can be acquired by: Turning in more Restored Obsidian Key to Igys.
- Completing the weekly quest from Doventhal the Chosen (35.2, 45.8), available as a Worldbreaker, which rewards 25 Magmotes.
- Killing regular and elite mobs in the Obsidian Citadel, looting Magmotes only as a Worldbreaker.
- Purchasing the Scrappy Worldsnail:
- Once you have 1,000 Magmotes, visit Dealer Vexil to purchase the Slumbering Worldsnail Shell.
- Use the Slumbering Worldsnail Shell to learn and add the Scrappy Worldsnail mount to your collection.
Loyal Magmammoth
- Required Items:
- Maximize your reputation with Wrathion and Sabellion at the Obsidian Citadel by reaching the True Friend rank.
- Purchase Netherforged Lavaproof Boots and Sturdy Obsidian Glasses from their quartermasters (Samia Inkling and Xaldrass for the boots, Lorena Belle and Atticus Belle for the glasses), each costing 800 gold.
- Getting The Mount:
- Purchase the Magmammoth Harness from Yries Lightfingers at the Obsidian Citadel using the Netherforged Lavaproof Boots and Sturdy Obsidian Glasses.
- Locate a Tame Magmammoth. These can be found in the Waking Shores at the following general locations and coordinates:
- Burning Ascent – 33.42, 72.07
- Dragonbane Keep – 23.66, 71.44
- Scalecracker Keep – 66.34, 24.46
- Smoldering Perch – 37.10, 44.53
- Use the Magmammoth Harness on a friendly (green-named) Tame Magmammoth to obtain the mount.
- Upon learning the mount, you will receive the Grand Theft Mammoth achievement.
Note: Ensure the Magmammoth you’re targeting is friendly and has “Tame” in its name. Hostile magmammoths (red-named) will not work for this process.
Divine Kiss Ohn’ahra
To obtain the Divine Kiss of Ohn’ahra mount in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, follow these steps:
- Quest Requirements
- Reach Renown 25 with the Maruuk Centaur.
- Complete the 5-day questline for Lizi’s Reins, which requires you to first reach Renown 9 with Maruuk Centaur and complete the “Initiate’s Day Out” from the achievement Sojourner of Ohn’ahran Plains.
- Lizi’s Reins Questline
- Start the questline by picking up the quest A Disgruntled Initiate from Windsage Ordven at coordinates /way #2023 63 34.
- Complete Sneaking In, then speak with Initiate Radiya to begin the 5-day questline.
- Location for first 4 days: Initiate Radiya in Ohn’iri Springs village at /way #2023 56.2 77.1.
- Location for Day 5: Initiate Radiya north of the village at /way #2023 57.6 72.4.
- Daily Quest Items Required
- Day 1: 20 Fluorescent Fluid (Drops from insects around the Dragon Isles).
- Day 2: 20 High-Fiber Leaf (Drops from plant creatures).
- Day 3: 10 Thousandbite Piranha (Fished in the Dragon Isles).
- Day 4: 20 Woolly Mountain Pelt (Drops from woolly creatures around the Dragon Isles).
- Day 5: 1 Meluun’s Green Curry (Obtained from Ohn Meluun in the Ohn’ahran Plains).
- A Whispering Breeze Quest
- Speak with Godoloto at /way #2023 56.4 73.2 who will ask for “a few breaths, some dust, and some fine incense”.
- Speak with Godoloto at /way #2023 56.4 73.2 who will ask for “a few breaths, some dust, and some fine incense”.
- Collect the following items:
- 3 Stolen Breath of Ohn’ahra (Drops from the last boss in the Nokhud Offensive dungeon).
- 1 Exultant Incense (Can be crafted by alchemists or purchased from the Auction House).
- 1 Essence of Awakening (Purchased from Quartermaster Huseng after reaching Renown 7 with the Maruuk Centaur. Costs 50 Dragon Isles Supplies and 1 Occasional Sand).
Turn in the quest to Ohn’ahra at /way #2023 57.6 31.8 to receive the Divine Kiss of Ohn’ahra mount.