D2 Prophecy Loot Guide

D2 Prophecy Loot Guide

Destiny 2 Prophecy dungeon was released on the 9th of June 2020. Even in D2 TFS, this instance is still highly regarded by the community. Introduced as a free-to-play activity, it offers challenging encounters and valuable rewards. Set in a surreal realm with a Trials of the Nine theme, this dungeon has three main encounters filled with Taken and other enemies.

icon Prophecy Dungeon Encounters:

  • First Encounter: The Phalanx Echo
  • Second Encounter: The Cube
  • Final Boss Encounter: The Kell Echo

Destiny 2 Prophecy rewards include a variety of Legendary weapons reprised from Trials of the Nine, high-stat armor sets, and unique items with special perks.

icon What’s Covered in This Guide:

icon We will also tell how to farm Prophecy efficiently, explain God Rolls for each weapon, and highlight which ones are worth farming.

Prophecy Loot Table

Encounter Weapon/Item Type Element Archetype Tier
First Encounter Relentless Pulse RiflePulse Rifle StrandStrand High-Impact Tier-B B (PvE,PvP)
Prosecutor Auto RifleAuto Rifle ArcArc Precision Tier-B B (PvP)
Tier-A A (PvE)
Moonfang-X7 Greaves icon Legs
Moonfang-X7 Mark | CloakBond icon Class Item
Second Encounter A Sudden Death ShotgunShotgun Arc Arc Aggressive Tier-A A (PvP)
Tier-B B (PvE)
Adjudicator Submachine GunSubmachine Gun KineticKinetic Precision Tier-A A (PvE,PvP)
Moonfang-X7 Grips icon Arms
Final Boss (Kell Echo) Judgment Hand CannonHand Cannon Kinetic Kinetic Adaptive Tier-B B (PvP)
Tier-C C (PvE)
Darkest Before Pulse RiflePulse Rifle Arc Arc Rapid-Fire Tier-A A (PvP)
Tier-B B (PvE)
Moonfang-X7 Helm icon Helm
Moonfang-X7 Greaves icon Legs
Moonfang-X7 Robe icon Chest
Moonfang-X7 Grips icon Arms
Moonfang-X7 Mark | CloakBond icon Class Item
Final Chest (The Emissary) Judgment Hand CannonHand Cannon Stasis Adaptive Tier-B B (PvP)
Tier-C C (PvE)
Darkest Before Pulse RiflePulse Rifle Solar Rapid-Fire Tier-A A (PvP)
Tier-B B (PvE)
Moonfang-X7 Helm icon Helm
Moonfang-X7 Robe icon Chest
Moonfang-X7 Mark | CloakBond icon Class Item

D2 Prophecy also offers the following collectibles:

  • Exotic Sparrow. The Of Ten Suns is an Exotic Sparrow from Daito, introduced in Season of Arrivals. You can obtain it by completing the Prophecy Dungeon flawlessly as a fireteam, with no deaths.
  • Exotic Ghost: The Cottontail Shell is an Exotic Ghost shell introduced in Season of the Drifter for The Revelry event. It was available in the Eververse store as part of the Hop Along Bundle, which included three Jubilant Engrams and five exclusive shaders. Now you can get it if you complete the Prophecy dungeon solo flawless.
  • Emblem: Prophetic Visionary. Complete the Prophecy Dungeon Triumph, Prophecy Dungeon Solo Flawless. You must finish the dungeon solo without any deaths to earn this Triumph. Once completed, redeem the Triumph, and this exclusive emblem will drop.Fireteam List:
    Prophetic Visionary
    Character Menu:
    Prophetic Visionary

How to farm Prophecy in Destiny 2?

How to Farm Prophecy

When Prophecy is the featured dungeon for the week, it can be farmed for unlimited loot with a dedicated Fireteam and some time.

icon Here’s how to farm the Prophecy dungeon:

  1. Start the dungeon with your first character and progress to the encounter you want to farm.
  2. Begin the encounter, then wipe (allow all players to be defeated).
  3. Have your Fireteam wait while you switch to a second character that hasn’t run the dungeon that week.
  4. Join your Fireteam on this second character, then wipe again to set the checkpoint.

icon Now you can continue farming:

  1. Launch the dungeon with the character holding the checkpoint.
  2. Switch back to your main character, rejoin your Fireteam, and complete the encounter to earn loot.
  3. Exit, switch characters, and repeat as needed.

D2 Prophecy Weapons

Prophecy Weapons

The Prophecy dungeon in Destiny 2 features an array of rewards, including powerful reissued Trials of the Nine weapons (there are 6 legendaries total), each with unique perks and elemental attributes.

Here’s a quick overview of the available weapons from Prophecy.

Adjudicator Kinetic Submachine Gun


Weapon Name Adjudicator
Weapon Type Submachine GunSubmachine Gun
Tier Rank PvP: Tier-A A-Tier,  PvE: Tier-A A-Tier
Slot Kinetic Kinetic
Ammo Primary Primary
Archetype Precision
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Yes, Adjudicator is an A-Tier weapon PvE and PvP. Its great perks make it effective in various scenarios, especially for SMG users who value good handling and damage.
How to Get it? Available as a drop from the Cube encounter in the Prophecy dungeon or from the dungeon’s secret chests after your first acquisition.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling (for increased range)
Magazine: Flared Magwell (faster reload)
Perk 1: Subsistence (refills magazine on kills)
Perk 2: Onslaught (boosts rate of fire on kills)
Masterwork: Range
PvP God Roll Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling (for extended range)
Magazine: Accurized Rounds (further increases range)
Perk 1: Threat Detector (enhances handling and stability near enemies)
Perk 2: Fragile Focus (grants extra range at full health)
Masterwork: Range

Judgment Stasis Hand Cannon


Weapon Name Judgment
Weapon Type Hand CannonHand Cannon
Tier Rank PvP: Tier-B B-Tier,  PvE: Tier-C C-Tier
Slot Kinetic Kinetic
Ammo Primary Primary
Archetype Adaptive
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Judgment is situational. It’s decent in PvP for those who enjoy Hand Cannons, but lacks standout synergy in PvE, making it less effective there compared to alternatives.
How to Get it? Drops from the final boss in the Prophecy dungeon (Kell Echo).
PvE God Roll Barrel: Fastdraw HCS (boosts handling and stability)
Magazine: Accurized Rounds (extends range)
Perk 1: Enlightened Action (increases handling) or Demolitionist (grenade energy gain)
Perk 2: Timed Payload (adds flinch) or Adrenaline Junkie (damage boost on grenade kills)
Masterwork: Range
PvP God Roll Barrel: Hitmark HCS (increases range and accuracy)
Magazine: Accurized Rounds (extends range)
Perk 1: Moving Target (enhanced tracking while aiming) or Slideshot (improves stability and range on slide)
Perk 2: Eye of the Storm (boosts accuracy in critical health) or Timed Payload (flinch advantage)
Masterwork: Range or Stability

Prosecutor Arc Auto Rifle


Weapon Name Prosecutor
Weapon Type Auto RifleAuto Rifle
Tier Rank PvP: Tier-B B-Tier,  PvE: Tier-A A-Tier
Slot Arc Arc
Ammo Primary Primary
Archetype Precision Frame
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Yes, Prosecutor’s unique perk combinations and Arc synergy make it a solid choice for PvE. It can perform well in PvP as an off-meta option.
How to Get it? Drops from the Phalanx Echo encounter in the Prophecy dungeon, or from the dungeon’s hidden chests after your first drop.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling (increases range)
Magazine: Flared Magwell (boosts reload speed)
Perk 1: Dragonfly (explosive precision kills)
Perk 2: Voltshot (Arc synergy with reload)
Masterwork: Range
PvP God Roll Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling (boosts range)
Magazine: Ricochet Rounds (adds range and stability)
Perk 1: Zen Moment (increases stability)
Perk 2: Target Lock (boosts damage on sustained fire)
Masterwork: Range

Relentless Strand Pulse Rifle


Weapon Name Relentless
Weapon Type Pulse RiflePulse Rifle
Tier Rank PvP: Tier-B B-Tier,  PvE: Tier-B B-Tier
Slot Strand Strand
Ammo Primary Primary
Archetype High-Impact Frame
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Relentless offers unique synergy with Strand subclasses, yet it falls short in most gameplay areas. While perks like Slice and Hatchling make it appealing for Strand-focused builds, this advantage isn’t exclusive to Relentless, and high-impact pulse rifles aren’t top-tier for PvE. In PvP, Relentless performs decently with a few good perk options. However, it’s generally outclassed by other weapons that are stronger choices for competitive play.
How to Get it? Drops from the Phalanx Echo encounter in the Prophecy dungeon and from hidden chests after unlocking it once.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling (increases range)
Magazine: Flared Magwell (boosts reload speed)
Perk 1: Rapid Hit (improves reload and stability)
Perk 2: Frenzy (damage and handling boost) or Hatchling (Strand synergy)
Masterwork: Range
PvP God Roll Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling (boosts range)
Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds (adds range and flinch)
Perk 1: Keep Away (increases range when distant)
Perk 2: Moving Target (better target acquisition)
Masterwork: Range

A Sudden Death Void Shotgun

A Sudden Death

Weapon Name A Sudden Death
Weapon Type ShotgunShotgun
Tier Rank PvP: Tier-A A-Tier,  PvE: Tier-B B-Tier
Slot Arc Arc
Ammo Special Special
Archetype Aggressive Frame
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Yes, especially for PvP where it excels with strong perks for close combat. PvE users will find it useful in melee-focused builds.
How to Get it? Drops from the second encounter (Cube) in the Prophecy dungeon. Available for farming during the dungeon’s featured week.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Corkscrew Rifling (adds to Stability, Range, and Handling)
Magazine: Tactical Mag (increases magazine size and reload speed)
Perk 1: Envious Assassin (overflow magazine from kills with other weapons)
Perk 2: One-Two Punch (boosts melee damage when all pellets hit)
Origin Trait: Crossing Over (increased range and handling for top half of magazine; extra damage for bottom half)
Masterwork: Handling
Mod Boss: Spec
Why these perks? Envious Assassin and One-Two Punch provide great synergy for burst damage in melee builds, especially against bosses. Handling boost helps quick swaps during high-stakes fights.
PvP God Roll Barrel: Corkscrew Rifling (balanced boost to Stability, Range, and Handling)
Magazine: Accurized Rounds (increases range for effective range in duels)
Perk 1: Slideshot (reloads on slide and boosts range/stability)
Perk 2: Opening Shot (improves accuracy and range on first shot)
Origin Trait: Crossing Over
Masterwork: Range
Mod Sprint: Grip
Why these perks? Slideshot and Opening Shot make it lethal for initial engagements in PvP, while Crossing Over and Range Masterwork maximize its reach and consistency.

Darkest Before Solar Pulse Rifle

Darkest Before

Weapon Name Darkest Before
Weapon Type Pulse RiflePulse Rifle
Tier Rank PvP: Tier-A A-Tier,  PvE: Tier-B B-Tier
Slot Arc Arc
Ammo Primary Primary
Archetype Rapid-Fire Frame
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Yes, especially for PvP where its rapid-fire archetype and solid perk options make it a competitive choice.
How to Get it? Drops from the final boss, Kell Echo, in the Prophecy dungeon. Farmable on the dungeon’s featured week.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Arrowhead Brake (improves recoil control and handling)
Magazine: Ricochet Rounds (increases range and stability)
Perk 1: Subsistence (reloads from reserves on kills)
Perk 2: Rampage (increases damage on kills)
Origin Trait: Crossing Over (increased range and handling for the top half of the magazine; extra damage for the bottom half)
Masterwork: Range
Mod: Major Spec
Why these perks? Subsistence and Rampage allow continuous fire and boost damage after kills, enhancing its effectiveness for clearing groups.
PvP God Roll Barrel: Smallbore (increases range and stability)
Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds (increases range and causes flinch)
Perk 1: Slideshot (reloads and boosts range/stability when sliding)
Perk 2: Opening Shot (improves accuracy and range on the first shot)
Origin Trait: Crossing Over
Masterwork: Range
Mod: Targeting Adjuster
Why these perks? Slideshot and Opening Shot provide great control over stability and accuracy, making Darkest Before deadly in the Crucible for fast, accurate engagements.

Prophecy Armor Sets: Trials of the Nine and the Moonfang-X7

Prophecy stands out in Destiny 2 as the only raid or dungeon (PvE instance) offering two distinct armor sets to pursue: the classic Trials of the Nine set from Destiny 2 Year 1 and the Moonfang-X7 set.

Below, you can see Prophecy armor sets for Warlocks, Hunters, and Titans.

Titan: Moonfang-X7 Suit Hunter: Moonfang-X7 Suit Warlock: Moonfang-X7 Suit


Categorized as Destiny 2

By Zaaid el-Greiss

Meet Zaaid el-Greiss, a top-rated author and avid gamer with deep insights into WoW, Destiny 2, and more, known for his engaging guides and articles.

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