Traveling across Azeroth in World of Warcraft Classic can feel like a true adventure, especially with no flying mounts available. In Vanilla, getting around the vast world relies heavily on flight points, ships, and zeppelins. These systems are key to connecting players to questing hubs, dungeons, and major cities, making them essential for any adventurer.
Unlike WoW Retail (The War Within), where there are a lot of flight points and they’re usually easy to access, World of Warcraft Classic emphasizes exploration and discovery. Players must physically visit flight masters to unlock routes and navigate through a more limited network of flight points.
This guide overviews all Alliance and Horde flight paths, zeppelins, and ships in WoW Classic. Understanding how to efficiently use these transport options is crucial for saving time and gold when you need to get from point A to point B in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.
So let’s start!
WoW Classic Flight Paths Explained
Flight paths in WoW Classic are a transportation system that lets players travel quickly between specific locations using Flight Masters. Each faction has its own network, and players must unlock each flight point by visiting it. Flight paths only work within the same continent, and traveling costs gold based on the distance. The system is pretty simple, and below we’ll explain it in detail.
As I said above, In World of Warcraft Classic, getting around Azeroth is an adventure in itself. Since flying mounts don’t exist, your primary means of transportation are flight points, ships, and zeppelins. The Horde also has a zeppelin network, while the Alliance can use the underground Deeprun Tram connecting Stormwind and Ironforge.
Flight points are managed by Flight Masters, who act as hubs for fast travel across zones. However, these routes are faction-specific—Alliance players can only use Alliance flight masters, while Horde players are restricted to their own network.
To unlock a flight point, you must visit and interact with the Flight Master. Simply walking into the area isn’t enough. Once unlocked, you can travel between connected flight points on the same continent.
Flight Masters by Faction:
- Alliance: Gryphon Masters (Eastern Kingdoms) and Hippogryph Masters (Kalimdor).
- Horde: Wind Rider Masters (Kalimdor) and Bat Handlers (Eastern Kingdoms).
- Neutral: Two neutral flight points in Ratchet (The Barrens) and Marshal’s Refuge (Un’Goro Crater) are accessible to both factions. These connect to faction-specific routes.
How Flight Paths Work: Flight points on each continent are interconnected, but not all routes are direct. You may need to transfer through multiple stops to reach your destination. Unlike in Retail WoW, flights in Classic are confined to individual continents. To travel between continents, you’ll need to use a ship or a zeppelin.
Traveling in Classic WoW is more challenging compared to Retail WoW.
Here’s why:
- Fewer Flight Points: Classic has far fewer Flight Masters—34 for Alliance and 31 for Horde, including neutral points. Retail, by contrast, has nearly three times as many.
- Unlocking Connections: In Classic, you must manually unlock every flight point, including intermediary stops. Until you visit a connecting point, it won’t appear as an option in your travel routes.
- Request Stop Limitations: Unlike Retail, where flights continue through unknown connections, Classic requires you to unlock all points on your route to travel seamlessly.
Using flight points costs gold, with shorter, direct routes being cheaper than longer ones that involve multiple stops. Major cities act as travel hubs, often offering more affordable connections to key destinations. If you’re looking to save gold, plan your routes carefully and consider using nearby stops instead of direct flights.
Request Stop Feature: One useful tool during flights is the “Request Stop” button. This allows you to exit at the next stop along your route rather than flying to the final destination. For example, if you’re flying from Splintertree Post to Dustwallow Marsh, your route might pass through The Crossroads. By using the Request Stop feature, you can land at The Crossroads instead. However, this feature only works if the intermediate stop is part of your route. For instance, if your route passes near The Crossroads but doesn’t stop there, you can’t use Request Stop to land.
WoW Classic Alliance Flight Paths
In WoW Classic, Alliance players can access a network of flight points across Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, with a few neutral locations shared with the Horde. Below is a clear analysis of Alliance travel options, including flight points, ships, and the unique Deeprun Tram.
- In Kalimdor, The Alliance has 14 dedicated flight points and two neutral points that both factions can use.
- Neutral flight points, like Ratchet in the Barrens and Marshal’s Refuge in Un’Goro Crater, allow players to connect routes between Alliance and Horde territories.
- Some areas, such as Durotar, Mulgore, and Thousand Needles, don’t have Alliance-friendly flight points.
- In Eastern Kingdoms, The Alliance has 16 flight points, covering many of the continent’s major zones. However, some areas like the Badlands and Swamp of Sorrows do not have Alliance flight masters.
Here’s a table of all WoW Classic Alliance flight points, flight masters, and locations in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms:
Continent | Zone | Area | Flight Master |
Kalimdor | Ashenvale | Astranaar | Daelyshia |
Azshara | Talrendis Point | Jarrodenus | |
Darkshore | Auberdine | Caylais Moonfeather | |
Desolace | Nijel’s Point | Baritanas Skyriver | |
Dustwallow Marsh | Theramore | Baldruc | |
Felwood | Talonbranch Glade | Mishellena | |
Feralas | Feathermoon Stronghold | Fyldren Moonfeather | |
Feralas | Thalanaar | Thyssiana | |
Moonglade | South of Lake | Sindrayl | |
Silithus | Cenarion Hold | Cloud Skydancer | |
Stonetalon Mountains | Stonetalon Peak | Teloren | |
Tanaris | Gadgetzan | Bera Stonehammer | |
Teldrassil | Rut’theran Village | Vesprystus | |
The Barrens | Ratchet (Neutral) | Bragok | |
Un’goro Crater | Marshal’s Refuge (Neutral) | Gryfe | |
Winterspring | Everlook | Maethrya | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Arathi Highlands | Refuge Point | Cedrik Prose |
Blasted Lands | Nethergarde Keep | Alexandra Constantine | |
Burning Steppes | Morgan’s Vigil | Borgus Stoutarm | |
Dun Morogh | Ironforge | Gryth Thurden | |
Duskwood | Darkshire | Felicia Maline | |
Eastern Plaguelands | Light’s Hope Chapel | Khaelyn Steelwing | |
Elwynn Forest | Stormwind City | Dungar Longdrink | |
Hillsbrad Foothills | Southshore | Darla Harris | |
Hinterlands | Aerie Peak | Guthrum Thunderfist | |
Loch Modan | Thelsamar | Thorgrum Borrelson | |
Redridge Mountains | Lakeshire | Ariena Stormfeather | |
Searing Gorge | Thorium Point | Lanie Reed | |
Stranglethorn Vale | Booty Bay | Gyll | |
Western Plaguelands | Chillwind Camp | Bibilfaz Featherwhistle | |
Westfall | Sentinel Hill | Thor | |
Wetlands | Menethil Harbor | Shellei Brondir |
WoW Classic Horde Flight Paths
In WoW Classic, the Horde has a network of 17 faction flight points and 2 neutral flight points across Kalimdor, along with 12 flight points in the Eastern Kingdoms. These flight points, managed by Wind Rider Masters and Bat Handlers, are the main mode of fast travel for Horde players. Neutral flight points, located in Ratchet and Marshal’s Refuge, are shared between both factions.
- Horde Flight Points in Kalimdor: The Horde dominates Kalimdor with numerous travel hubs. However, some zones, such as Darkshore and Teldrassil, don’t have Horde flight points.
- Horde Flight Points in Eastern Kingdoms: In the Eastern Kingdoms, the Horde flight network has significant gaps, with no flight points in zones like Dun Morogh, Wetlands, or Westfall.
Here’s a table of all WoW Classic Horde flight points, flight masters, and locations in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms:
Continent | Zone | Area | Flight Master |
Kalimdor | Ashenvale | Splintertree Post | Vhulgra |
Ashenvale | Zoram’gar | Andruk | |
Azshara | Valormok | Kroum | |
Desolace | Shadowprey Village | Thalon | |
Durotar | Orgrimmar | Doras | |
Dustwallow Marsh | Brackenwall Village | Shardi | |
Felwood | Bloodvenom Post | Brakkar | |
Feralas | Camp Mojache | Shyn | |
Moonglade | South of Lake | Faustron | |
Mulgore | Thunder Bluff | Tal | |
Silithus | Cenarion Hold | Runk Windtamer | |
Stonetalon Mountains | Sun Rock Retreat | Tharm | |
Tanaris | Gadgetzan | Bulkrek Ragefist | |
The Barrens | The Crossroads | Devrak | |
The Barrens | Camp Taurajo | Omusa Thunderhorn | |
The Barrens | Ratchet | Bragok | |
Thousand Needles | Freewind Post | Nyse | |
Un’Goro Crater | Marshal’s Refuge | Gryfe | |
Winterspring | Everlook | Yugrek | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Arathi Highlands | Hammerfall | Urda |
Badlands | Kargath | Gorrik | |
Burning Steppes | Flame Crest | Vahgruk | |
Eastern Plaguelands | Light’s Hope Chapel | Georgia | |
Hillsbrad Foothills | Tarren Mill | Zarise | |
Hinterlands | Revantusk Village | Gorkas | |
Searing Gorge | Thorium Point | Grisha | |
Silverpine Forest | The Sepulcher | Karos Razok | |
Stranglethorn Vale | Grom’gol Base Camp | Thysta | |
Stranglethorn Vale | Booty Bay | Gringer | |
Swamp of Sorrows | Stonard | Breyk | |
Tirisfal Glades | Undercity | Michael |
Horde Zeppelin Network
The Horde’s zeppelins provide a unique, free method of transportation. With routes connecting Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, they are essential for long-distance travel.
Zeppelin Towers and Routes:
- Orgrimmar:
- To Undercity: South platform.
- To Grom’gol Base Camp: North platform.
- Undercity:
- To Orgrimmar: West platform.
- To Grom’gol Base Camp: East platform.
- Grom’gol Base Camp:
- To Orgrimmar: South platform.
- To Undercity: North platform.
Travel times vary slightly based on the route. Zeppelins stay docked for 1 minute, and you can estimate their return by adding the route times. For example:
- Orgrimmar to Undercity: 1:40 to the destination, 1:30 back.
- Orgrimmar to Grom’gol: 1:15 to the destination, 1:30 back.
- Undercity to Grom’gol: 1:40 to the destination, 1:42 back.
WoW Classic Neutral Ships (Horde & Alliance)
In WoW Classic, the Alliance and Horde players can use a neutral ship to travel across Azeroth. On PvP servers, this route can be riskier, especially for Horde players heading to Booty Bay. In such cases, taking a zeppelin from Orgrimmar to Grom’gol Base Camp might be a safer option.
WoW Classic neutral ship connects the goblin towns of Booty Bay in the Eastern Kingdoms and Ratchet in Kalimdor. This route is open to both factions, providing a convenient way to cross continents.
- Ratchet Dock: Located in The Barrens at coordinates /way 63.6, 38.7.
- Booty Bay Dock: Found in Stranglethorn Vale at coordinates /way 26, 73.2.
Travel times between destinations and return trips may differ slightly, influenced by the ship’s route or simulated winds. Ships dock for 1 minute at each stop to allow passengers to board or disembark. If you see the ship leaving, you can calculate its return by adding the destination time, return trip time, and the 1-minute docking period.
Route | To Destination | Return Trip |
Ratchet ↔ Booty Bay | 1:45 | 2:00 |
WoW Classic Travel Addons
Traveling efficiently in Vanilla can be made easier with the help of useful WoW Classic add-ons. Here are some of the best travel add-ons to help you find your way:
- EZCoordinates: Shows your location on the minimap and map, along with cursor coordinates.
- Inflight Classic: Tracks flight times and tells you exactly how long your journey will take. A must-have for frequent flyers.
- HandyNotes_FlightMasters: Highlights all flight master locations on your map. Flight points you haven’t discovered yet appear in red. Requires HandyNotes.
- HandyNotes_TravelGuide: Adds portals, boats, and zeppelin locations to your map for easier navigation. Works with HandyNotes.
- Questie: While mainly a quest helper, it includes built-in coordinates to make finding locations much easier.
- TomTom: A navigation add-on that lets you set waypoints and plan your routes. Be sure to grab the Classic version.
- TomTom Flight Masters Classic: Integrates with TomTom to show flight master locations and waypoints. Requires the TomTom add-on.
These add-ons will make your traveling in WoW Classic Azeroth more convenient, from unlocking new flight paths and exploring new zones to completing quests.