D2 Deep Stone Crypt Loot Guide

Deep Stone Crypt Guide

Deep Stone Crypt is a Destiny 2 raid released with the Beyond Light expansion on November 21, 2020. In this raid, Guardians explore the depths of the crypt, located on Europa, battling the forces of House Salvation while uncovering the dark secrets of Clovis Bray.

icon Deep Stone Crypt has 4 main encounters that drop powerful Legendary weapons, a full set of Legacy’s Oath armor for each class, and the Exotic Rocket Launcher, Eyes of Tomorrow.

icon Inside this guide, you’ll discover the following:

icon We’ll also guide you on acquiring Eyes of Tomorrow, outline the top perks for each weapon, and identify which ones are worth farming.

Deep Stone Crypt Loot Table

Encounter Item Drop Type Ammo Type Element
First Encounter (Crypt Security) Trustee Scout RifleScout Rifle Primary Primary Solar Solar
Legacy’s Oath Gauntlets icon Arms  –
Legacy’s Oath Greaves icon Legs
Legacy’s Oath Mark
Legacy’s Oath Cloak
Legacy’s Oath Bond
icon Class Item
Second Encounter (Atraks-1) Succession Sniper RifleSniper Rifle Special Special KineticKinetic
Heritage ShotgunShotgun  Special Special KineticKinetic
Legacy’s Oath Grips icon Arms  –
Legacy’s Oath Strides icon Legs
Legacy’s Oath Mark
Legacy’s Oath Cloak
Legacy’s Oath Bond
icon Class Item
Third Encounter (Rapture) Posterity Hand CannonHand Cannon Primary Primary Arc Arc
Legacy’s Oath Gloves icon Arms  –
Legacy’s Oath Plate icon Chest
Legacy’s Oath Mark
Legacy’s Oath Cloak
Legacy’s Oath Bond
icon Class Item
Final Encounter (The Abomination) Eyes of Tomorrow Rocket LauncherRocket Launcher Heavy Heavy Solar Solar
Bequest SwordSword Heavy Heavy Arc Arc
Commemoration Machine GunMachine Gun Heavy Heavy Void Void
Legacy’s Oath Mask icon Helm  –
Legacy’s Oath Robes icon Chest
Legacy’s Oath Boots icon Legs

Apart from the items dropped in different encounters, you can also obtain the Eyes of Tomorrow, an exotic rocket launcher from the Deep Stone Crypt.

icon To get Eyes of Tomorrow in Destiny 2:

  1. Complete the Deep Stone Crypt RaidEyes of Tomorrow has a chance to drop from the final encounter against Taniks, the Abomination.
  2. Increase Your Chances – Completing weekly raid challenges and triumphs can improve your odds of obtaining the Exotic.
  3. Farm When Available – When Deep Stone Crypt is the weekly featured raid, you can farm the final encounter repeatedly for more chances at the drop.

icon You can also collect the following items in Deep Stone Crypt:

  • Retrocausality Exotic Sparrow: Obtain this sparrow by completing the Not a Scratch triumph, which requires finishing the raid without any fireteam members dying.
  • No Love Lost Exotic Ghost Shell: Unlock this ghost shell by collecting all Exo Stranger logs hidden throughout the raid. Rock Bottom triumph.
  • Exclusive Emblems:
    • Long Slow Whisper: This emblem was awarded for completing the Deep Stone Crypt within the first 24 hours of its release and is no longer available.
      Fireteam List:
      Long Slow Whisper Fireteam
      Character Menu:
      Long Slow Whisper Character
    • Crypt Reawakened: Earn this emblem by clearing the Deep Stone Crypt raid for the first time.
      Fireteam List:
      Crypt Reawakened Fireteam
      Character Menu:
      Crypt Reawakened Character

Is Deep Stone Crypt Farmable?

How to Farm Deep Stone Crypt

You can farm it in two ways: by spending Spoils of Conquest at the raid vendor or by running the raid when it’s the featured weekly raid.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to farming the DSC raid:

icon Step 1: Prepare for the Raid

  • Fireteam: Gather a team of 6 players. Use LFG (Looking for Group) tools if needed.
  • Loadout: Bring strong weapons like The Lament, Xenophage, or Gjallarhorn for boss damage, and add-clear weapons like SMGs or grenade launchers.

icon Step 2: Farm When DSC is the Featured Raid

  • Deep Stone Crypt is fully farmable when it’s the weekly featured raid. Check the weekly reset to see if DSC is featured.
  • When featured, you can run the raid multiple times on the same character to farm loot from each encounter.

icon Step 3: Use Spoils of Conquest

  • After defeating Taniks, a chest called Cache of the Crypt appears.
  • Spend 20 Spoils of Conquest per item to purchase weapons or armor you’ve already unlocked.
  • Farm Spoils by running other raids or completing encounters in DSC.

icon Step 4: Find Hidden Chests

  • There are two hidden chests in DSC. They drop mods and gear you’ve already earned.
    • First Hidden Chest: Located after the first encounter, near the Sparrow section.
    • Second Hidden Chest: Found after the third encounter, before the final boss.
  • These chests can drop mods like Enhanced Operator Augment or gear you’ve previously collected.

icon Step 5: Complete Challenges for Better Rewards

  • Each encounter has a weekly challenge that increases your chances of getting Deepsight Resonance weapons and improves Exotic drop rates.
  • Check the weekly raid challenge and complete it for extra loot.

By following these steps, you can efficiently farm Deep Stone Crypt for its powerful weapons, armor, and Exotic rewards.

Deep Stone Crypt Weapons

Deep Stone Crypt Weapons

The Deep Stone Crypt raid in Destiny 2 features one Exotic weapon, Eyes of Tomorrow, along with 6 other Legendary guns that boast unique abilities and elements.

Below is a list of the weapons you can obtain in the DSC raid:

Eyes of Tomorrow Rocket Launcher

Eyes of Tomorrow

Weapon Name: Eyes of Tomorrow
Weapon Type: Rocket LauncherRocket Launcher
Tier Rank: Tier-A A-tier (PvE+PvP)
Slot: Solar Solar
Ammo: Heavy Heavy
Archetype: Exotic
Perks: Barrel: Smart Drift Control
Magazine: Alloy Casing
Origin Trait: Adaptive Ordnance
Stock: Fitted Stock
Exotic Trait: Eyes on All: Allows the weapon to track and fire at multiple targets simultaneously.
Adaptive Ordnance: Killing 4 or more combatants in a single volley increases the damage of the next volley and refunds ammunition.
Is this weapon worth farming? Eyes of Tomorrow is a powerful exotic weapon, especially for add-clear and boss damage in both PvE and PvP activities.
How to Get it? Eyes of Tomorrow is a random drop from the final encounter of the Deep Stone Crypt raid, specifically after defeating Taniks, the Abomination.

Trustee Solar Scout Rifle


Weapon Name Trustee
Weapon Type Scout RifleScout Rifle
Tier Rank Tier-A A-tier in PvE, Tier-B B-tier in PvP
Slot Solar Solar
Ammo Primary Primary
Archetype Rapid-Fire
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? It is one of the better Rapid-Fire Frame Scout Rifles due to the Bray Inheritance Origin Trait and Incandescent perk, which generate ability energy. In PvP, it has a longer time to kill but is still decent with perks like High-Impact Reserves.
How to Get it Deep Stone Crypt Raid (first encounter or final cache).
PvE God Roll Barrel: Fluted Barrel – Boosts handling, range, and stability.
Magazine: Flared Magwell – Enhances reload speed.
Perk 1: Rapid Hit – Improves reload speed following a precision kill.
Perk 2: Incandescent – Inflicts Scorch damage over time and generates ability energy.
Masterwork: Handling – Further improves weapon handling.
PvP God Roll Barrel: Smallbore – Enhances range and stability.
Magazine: Accurized Rounds – Boosts range and stability.
Perk 1: Rapid Hit – Enhances reload speed after a precision kill.
Perk 2: High-Impact Reserves: Boosts stability after a precision kill. Opening Shot: Increases range and stability after a precision kill.
Masterwork: Stability – Further enhances weapon stability.

Succession Kinetic SR


Weapon Name Succession
Weapon Type Sniper RifleSniper Rifle
Tier Rank Tier-S S-tier (PvE,PvP)
Slot KineticKinetic
Ammo Special Special
Archetype Aggressive
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? High Damage: Succession has a high damage output per shot, making it effective for taking down both champions and bosses in PvE.

Versatile Perks: It can roll with perks like Reconstruction and Recombination, which are highly valued for their ability to increase damage and utility.

PvP Viability: In PvP, Succession can be a best choice with perks like Moving Target and Snapshot Sights, making it competitive in the Crucible

How to Get it It can be obtained from Deep Stone Crypt raid.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Fluted Barrel – Increases handling, range, and stability.
Magazine: Extended Mag – Adds an extra bullet to the magazine, which is beneficial for the perks.
Perk 1: Reconstruction – Reloads the weapon every 4 seconds and can overfill it up to double the magazine’s capacity.
Perk 2: Recombination – Buffs the next shot after a precision kill, making it more powerful.
Masterwork: Handling – Further increases the weapon’s handling.
PvP God Roll Barrel: Fluted Barrel – Increases handling, range, and stability.
Magazine: Accurized Rounds – Improves range and stability.
Perk 1: Moving Target – Increases stability while moving and hip-firing.
Perk 2: Snapshot Sights – Reduces the time it takes to go from aiming down sights to firing.
Masterwork: Handling – Further increases the weapon’s handling.

Heritage Kinetic Shotgun


Weapon Name Heritage
Weapon Type ShotgunShotgun
Tier Rank Tier-S S-tier in PvE, Tier-A A-tier in PvP
Slot Kinetic Kinetic
Ammo Special Special
Archetype Pinpoint Slug
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Heritage is one of the best Slug Shotguns in Destiny 2.
Heritage is a kinetic special shotgun that deals significant damage, making it effective for taking down both champions and bosses.
In PvE, Heritage is considered one of the best slug shotguns in the game due to its burst damage potential.
How to Get it Deep Stone Crypt Raid: Drops from the Atraks-1 encounter or can be purchased from the final chest using Spoils of Conquest.
Pantheon: Atraks Sovereign: Completing this activity allows you to spend Spoils of Conquest at the final chest to acquire Heritage. This is a faster farming method due to the high Spoils drop rate.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Fluted Barrel (for Handling)
Magazine: Assault Mag (increases RPM and DPS)
Perk 1: Reconstruction (best for ammo efficiency, up to 12 rounds in the magazine)
Perk 2: Recombination (increases burst damage after energy weapon kills)
Masterwork: Handling
PvP God Roll Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling (for Range) or Fluted Barrel (for Handling)
Magazine: Accurized Rounds (for Range)
Perk 1: Slideshot (for Range and reload) or Threat Detector (for Handling in close quarters)
Perk 2: Moving Target (improves aim assist and strafe speed)
Masterwork: Range or Handling

Posterity Arc Hand Cannon


Weapon Name Posterity
Weapon Type Hand CannonHand Cannon
Tier Rank Tier-A A-tier (PvE), Tier-B B-tier (PvP)
Slot Arc Arc
Ammo Primary Primary
Archetype Precision
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Posterity is one of the most versatile 180 RPM Hand Cannons in Destiny 2. It excels in both PvE and PvP, especially for Arc builds. Its craftable nature allows for enhanced perks, making it even more powerful. It is particularly strong in PvE due to its ability to chain lightning damage with perks like Voltshot, while also being viable in PvP with the right roll.
How to Get it Deep Stone Crypt Raid: Specifically from the third encounter, Rapture.
Pantheon: As a random reward for defeating any boss in the rotation when Pantheon is active.
Infinite Farming: Posterity can be infinitely farmed when Deep Stone Crypt is the weekly featured raid.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Fluted Barrel (boosts Handling for a snappy feel).
Magazine: Tactical Mag (improves Stability and adds extra rounds).
Perk 1: Voltshot (reloading after a kill triggers a powerful chained lightning blast).
Perk 2: Frenzy (15% damage bonus and max Reload speed after being in combat).
Masterwork: Handling or Range.
PvP God Roll Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling (boosts Range).
Magazine: Accurized Rounds (further increases Range).
Perk 1: Killing Wind (grants bonus Range and Handling after a kill).
Perk 2: Rampage (increases damage with each kill, up to 33% at x3 stacks).
Masterwork: Handling or Range.

Bequest Arc Sword


Weapon Name Bequest
Weapon Type SwordSword
Tier Rank PvE: Tier-S S-tier, PvP: Tier-C C-tier
Slot Heavy Heavy
Ammo Arc Arc
Archetype Adaptive
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Bequest is an Adaptive Frame Arc sword with an incredibly high Impact stat, making it one of the best swords for high-damage PvE encounters. It is particularly effective for one-phasing Crota in the Crota’s End raid, surpassing even Exotic swords like The Lament. However, it is not a top-tier choice for PvP due to the impracticality of swords in Crucible.
How to Get it Source: Deep Stone Crypt (DSC) Raid, specifically from the final encounter.
Farming Tip: Wait until DSC is the weekly featured raid for increased drop chances. You can also use checkpoint bots to target the final encounter.
Crafting: Bequest is craftable. Collect 5 Deepsight versions of the weapon to unlock its pattern, then shape it at the Enclave.
PvE God Roll Blade: Jagged Edge (increases damage at the cost of ammo)
Guard: Swordmaster’s Guard (improves charge rate for stunned targets)
Perk 1: Relentless Strikes (returns ammo after 3 light attacks)
Perk 2: Surrounded (increases damage when 3+ enemies are nearby)
Masterwork: Impact (maximizes damage output)
PvP God Roll Blade: Honed Edge (damage boost without penalties)
Guard: Burst Guard (increases resistance)
Perk 1: Tireless Blade (returns ammo on kills)
Perk 2: Assassin’s Blade (increases movement speed and damage after kills)
Masterwork: Impact

Commemoration Void Machine Gun


Weapon Name Commemoration
Weapon Type Machine GunMachine Gun
Tier Rank PvE: Tier-S S-tier, PvP: Tier-A A-tier
Slot Void Void
Ammo Heavy Heavy
Archetype Adaptive
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Commemoration is a top-tier Void Machine Gun, especially after the Machine Gun buffs in Season 20. It is currently the 3rd most popular Machine Gun and 4th most popular weapon overall in the PvE meta. Its perk combinations, particularly Reconstruction paired with Killing Tally, Rampage, or Dragonfly, make it a powerhouse for both boss damage and mob clearing.
How to Get it Commemoration is a Legendary Machine Gun from the Deep Stone Crypt (DSC) raid. It drops exclusively from the final encounter by defeating Taniks, The Abomination.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Arrowhead Brake (reduces recoil and improves handling)
Magazine: Accurized Rounds (increases range) or Extended Mag (increases magazine size)
Perk 1: Reconstruction (automatically reloads the weapon over time, massively increasing magazine capacity)
Perk 2: Killing Tally (increases damage with each kill, stacking up to 3x) or Rampage (increases damage after kills)
Masterwork: Reload Speed
PvP God Roll Barrel: Smallbore (increases range and stability)
Magazine: Projection Fuse (increases range) or Particle Repeater (increases stability)
Perk 1: Surplus (boosts handling, reload, and stability based on ability charges) or Dynamic Sway Reduction (improves accuracy and stability as you fire)
Perk 2: Under Pressure (improves accuracy and stability as the magazine gets low) or Eye of the Storm (improves accuracy and handling as your health gets low)
Masterwork: Range or Handling

Deep Stone Crypt Armor Sets

As with other Destiny 2 raids, the Deep Stone Crypt raid includes a unique armor set for each class.

Below, you can see the Deep Stone Crypt armor sets for Warlocks, Hunters, and Titans.

Titan: Legacy’s Oath Suit Hunter: Legacy’s Oath Suit Warlock: Legacy’s Oath Suit
Legacy’s Oath Helm

Legacy’s Oath Gauntlets

Legacy’s Oath Plate

Legacy’s Oath Greaves

Legacy’s Oath Mark

Legacy’s Oath Mask

Legacy’s Oath Grips

Legacy’s Oath Vest

Legacy’s Oath Strides

Legacy’s Oath Cloak

Legacy’s Oath Cowl

Legacy’s Oath Gloves

Legacy’s Oath Robes

Legacy’s Oath Boots

Legacy’s Oath Bond

icon These armor sets have a modern, sci-fi design inspired by Braytech and the Exo program. They have clean lines, glowing details, and a high-tech feel. Many players think they are some of the best-looking raid armor sets in the game. They are great for changing your Guardian’s appearance or completing your look.

Categorized as Destiny 2

By Zaaid el-Greiss

Meet Zaaid el-Greiss, a top-rated author and avid gamer with deep insights into WoW, Destiny 2, and more, known for his engaging guides and articles.

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