D2 Last Wish Loot Guide

Last Wish Guide

Last Wish is a Destiny 2 raid introduced with the Forsaken expansion on September 14, 2018. In this raid, Guardians enter the Dreaming City to stop the Taken from corrupting the Awoken’s homeland. The raid features 6 challenging encounters, each with unique mechanics and puzzles.

icon This D2 raid has several encounters that drop various Legendary weapons, unique Last Wish armor sets, and the Exotic Fusion Rifle, One Thousand Voices (it drops from the last boss, Riven). The raid also includes a Wall of Wishes, where players can input specific patterns to receive rewards, skip encounters, or gain other benefits.

icon Here’s what you’ll find in this guide:

icon We will also show you how to get One Thousand Voices, the God Rolls of each legendary gun, and which ones are worth getting.

Last Wish Loot Table

Encounter Item Drop Type Ammo Type Element
Any Encounter Chattering Bone Pulse RiflePulse Rifle Primary Primary Kinetic Kinetic
Age-Old Bond Auto RifleAuto Rifle Primary Primary Void Void
The Supremacy Sniper RifleSniper Rifle Special Special Kinetic Kinetic
Nation of Beasts Hand CannonHand Cannon Primary Primary Arc Arc
Transfiguration Scout RifleScout Rifle Primary Primary Kinetic Kinetic
Techeun Force Fusion RifleFusion Rifle Special Special Arc Arc
Apex Predator Rocket LauncherRocket Launcher Heavy Heavy Solar Solar
Tyranny of Heaven Combat BowCombat Bow Primary Primary Solar Solar
Helm of the Great Hunt icon Helm
Grips of the Great Hunt icon Arms
Robes of the Great Hunt icon Chest
Strides of the Great Hunt icon Legs
Mark of the Great Hunt
Cloak of the Great Hunt
Bond of the Great Hunt
icon Class Item
Final Encounter (Riven) Any Legendary weapon
Any Armor piece
One Thousand Voices Fusion RifleFusion Rifle Heavy Heavy Solar Solar

You can also get the Last Wish Exotic fusion rifle, One Thousand Voices, in addition to items from other encounters.

icon To get One Thousand Voices in Destiny 2:

  1. Complete the Last Wish Raid – This is required to have a chance at obtaining One Thousand Voices.
  2. Open the Final Chest – After defeating Riven and completing the Riven’s Heart encounter, you’ll reach a chest room. One Thousand Voices has a chance to drop from the final chest.
  3. Increase Your Chances – Each week, you can increase your chances by completing the raid on multiple characters.

icon You can also collect the following items in Last Wish:

  • Exclusive Emblems: Last Wish has 5 emblems.
    • Apprentice Guide: Complete 10 Last Wish encounters (not available).
      Fireteam List:
      Apprentice Guide Fireteam
      Character Menu:
      Apprentice Guide Character
    • Wish Ascended: Finish the Last Wish raid in the first 24 hours (not available).
      Fireteam List:
      Wish Ascended Fireteam
      Character Menu:
      Wish Ascended Character
    • Castle in the Clouds: Complete all challenges in the Last Wish raid.
      Fireteam List:
      Castle in the Clouds Fireteam
      Character Menu:
      Castle in the Clouds Character
    • Numbers of Power: Enter Wish #3 in the Wall of Wishes.
      Fireteam List:
      Numbers of Power Fireteam
      Character Menu:
      Numbers of Power Character
    • Wish No More: Finish your first Last Wish raid.
      Fireteam List:
      Wish No More Fireteam
      Character Menu:
      Wish No More Character

Is Last Wish Farmable?

How to Farm Last Wish

If the Last Wish raid is featured, you can play it as many times as you want to get more loot and rewards. To do this, you’ll need a team of players and some time to play.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to farming the LW raid:

icon Step 1: Check the Weekly Rotator

  • Look at the weekly reset (Tuesdays) to see if Last Wish is the featured raid.
  • If it is, you can farm Legendary loot infinitely. If not, you’re limited to one loot drop per encounter per character per week.

icon Step 2: Gather a Team

  • Assemble a team of six players. Use LFG (Looking for Group) tools like the Destiny 2 app, Discord, or other community platforms if needed.
  • Make sure everyone understands the mechanics of the encounters you plan to farm.

icon Step 3: Use the Wall of Wishes

  • To save time, use the Wall of Wishes to teleport directly to specific encounters. Here are the most common wishes for farming:
    • Wish 4: Teleport to Shuro Chi (Encounter 2).
    • Wish 7: Teleport to Riven (Final Boss).
    • Wish 1: Teleport to Kalli (Encounter 1).

icon Step 4: Farm Encounters

  • Kalli (Encounter 1): A quick encounter for armor and weapons like the Transfiguration Scout Rifle.
  • Shuro Chi (Encounter 2): A great source for weapons like the Nation of Beasts Hand Cannon.
  • Morgeth (Encounter 3): Drops weapons like the Age-Old Bond Auto Rifle.
  • Riven (Final Boss): Farm for a chance at the Exotic One Thousand Voices (once per character per week).

icon Step 5: Open Secret Chests

  • After completing encounters, look for the two secret chests in the raid. These can drop raid gear you’ve already unlocked.
  • Secret chests can be looted once per character per week.

icon Step 6: Repeat

  • If Last Wish is the featured raid, repeat the encounters as many times as you want for Legendary loot.
  • If not, switch to another character to continue farming.

Last Wish Weapons

Last Wish Weapons

The Last Wish raid in Destiny 2 has one Exotic gun, One Thousand Voices, and 8 other Legendary guns with special abilities and elements.

Here’s a list of the LW weapons you can get:

One Thousand Voices Solar FR

One Thousand Voices

Weapon Name: One Thousand Voices
Weapon Type: Fusion RifleFusion Rifle
Tier Rank: Tier-S S-tier in PvE, Tier-A A-tier in PvP
Slot: Solar Solar
Ammo: Heavy Heavy
Archetype: Exotic
Perks: Barrel: Extended Barrel
Battery: Liquid Coils
Stock: Fitted Stock
Exotic Trait: Ahamkara’s Eye: Charging this weapon unleashes a giant continuous beam of death.
Unforeseen Repercussions: This weapon’s beam superheats its targets upon impact, causing delayed scorching explosions.
Is this weapon worth farming? Yes, One Thousand Voices is considered one of the most powerful exotic fusion rifles in Destiny 2.
PvE: It has a high DPS and is effective for both burst damage and mass add clear.
PvP: It has a low stability and handling, which can make it difficult to use.
How to Get it? It can be obtained as a rare drop from the final chests in the Last Wish raid. To increase the chances of getting the weapon, you can complete the raid multiple times, with a 10% default chance of finding it in a Last Wish chest.

Chattering Bone Kinetic PR

Chattering Bone

Weapon Name Chattering Bone
Weapon Type Pulse RiflePulse Rifle
Tier Rank Tier-C C-tier
Slot Kinetic Kinetic
Ammo Primary Primary
Archetype Lightweight
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? No. While this weapon may feel nice, Pulse Rifles aren’t good enough in high-level content.
How to Get it The Chattering Bone Pulse Rifle can be obtained by completing encounters in the Last Wish raid, which is located in the Dreaming City.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Corkscrew Rifling (increases stability, slightly decreases range)
Magazine: Flared Magwell (reload speed) or Light Mag (magazine size)
First Perk: Rapid Hit (stability and reload speed on precision hits) or Kill Clip (damage boost after reloading)
Second Perk: Kinetic Tremors (AoE explosive rounds) or Rampage (stacking damage boost after kills)
PvP God Roll Barrel: Corkscrew Rifling (increases stability, slightly decreases range)
Magazine: Flared Magwell (reload speed) or Light Mag (magazine size)
First Perk: Kill Clip (damage boost after reloading)
Second Perk: Rampage (stacking damage boost after kills) or Perpetual Motion (increased mobility and handling while moving)

Age-Old Bond Void Auto Rifle

Age-Old Bond

Weapon Name Age-Old Bond
Weapon Type Auto RifleAuto Rifle
Tier Rank Tier-B B-tier in PvE & PvP
Slot Void Void
Ammo Primary Primary
Archetype High-Impact
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? High-impact frame Auto Rifle that can feel clunky but comes with solid perks.
How to Get it It can drop from any encounter clear in the Last Wish raid, or you can use the Wall of Wishes to access the secret chests without completing an encounter.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Arrowhead Brake (Increases handling and reduces recoil direction)
Magazine: Tactical Mag (Increases magazine size, reload speed, and stability)
Perk 1: Repulsor Brace (Grants a void overshield on precision kills against enemies with a void debuff)
Perk 2: Destabilizing Rounds (Spreads the volatile debuff to nearby enemies)
Masterwork: Stability (Further increases the weapon’s stability).
PvP God Roll Barrel: Smallbore (Increases range and stability)
Magazine: Accurized Rounds (Improves range and stability)
Perk 1: Tap the Trigger (Increases accuracy and stability while continuously holding down the trigger)
Perk 2: Target Lock (Increases precision damage)
Masterwork: Stability (Further increases the weapon’s stability).

The Supremacy Kinetic SR

The Supremacy

Weapon Name The Supremacy
Weapon Type Sniper RifleSniper Rifle
Tier Rank Tier-S S-tier in PvE, Tier-B B-tier in PvP
Slot Kinetic Kinetic
Ammo Special Special
Archetype Precision
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? Top-tier Legendary Sniper Rifle with solid archetype and fantastic perk combinations.
How to Get it The Supremacy can be obtained from the Last Wish raid by clearing any encounter or from hidden chests throughout the raid. It can also be crafted at The Enclave by acquiring Deepsight drops.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Arrowhead Brake – Increases handling and improves recoil direction.
Magazine: Appended Magazine – Increases magazine size by 2 rounds.
Perk 1: Rewind Rounds – Upon emptying the magazine, refills 60% of the number of hits landed from reserves.
Perk 2: Kinetic Tremors – Provides a burst of damage when precision hits are landed.
Masterwork: Handling – Further increases handling for faster weapon swaps and better control
PvP God Roll Barrel: Fluted Barrel – Increases stability and handling, reducing flinch.
Magazine: Ricochet Rounds – Rounds have a chance to ricochet off surfaces and hit additional targets.
Perk 1: Snapshot Sights – Increases aim down sights (ADS) speed.
Perk 2: Opening Shot – Grants a damage boost on the first precision hit after reloading.
Masterwork: Handling – Further increases handling for faster ADS speed

Nation of Beasts Arc Hand Cannon

Nation of Beasts

Weapon Name Nation of Beasts
Weapon Type Hand CannonHand Cannon
Tier Rank Tier-A A-tier in PvE, Tier-B B-tier in PvP
Slot Arc Arc
Ammo Primary Primary
Archetype Adaptive
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? A fan-favorite Arc Hand Cannon with excellent perks for both PvE and PvP.
How to Get it To obtain Nation of Beasts, you need to complete the Last Wish Raid. The most efficient method is to farm the first boss, Kalli, when the raid is featured.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Corkscrew Rifling – Increases range, stability, and handling.
Magazine: Flared Magwell – Improves reload speed.
Perk 1: Dragonfly causes precision kills to explode, dealing additional damage. Perpetual Motion grants a small boost to handling after a precision kill.
Perk 2: Voltshot – Finishing a reload within 5.3 seconds of a weapon kill grants Voltshot for 7 seconds, which causes the next weapon hit to apply Jolt and consume the buff.
Masterwork: Range – Further increases the weapon’s range.
PvP God Roll Barrel: Smallbore – Increases range and stability.
Magazine: Accurized Rounds – Improves range and stability.
Perk 1: Keep Away increases reload speed, range, and accuracy when no targets are nearby. Opening Shot increases range and stability after a precision kill.
Perk 2: Explosive Payload causes additional damage on hits and has an area of effect component. Kill Clip increases damage and reload speed after a precision kill.
Masterwork: Range or Stability – Further increases the weapon’s range or stability.

Transfiguration Kinetic SR


Weapon Name Transfiguration
Weapon Type Scout RifleScout Rifle
Tier Rank Tier-B B-tier in PvE & PvP
Slot Kinetic Kinetic
Ammo Primary Primary
Archetype High-Impact
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? High-Impact Scout Rifles are niche but can be useful with the right perks.
How to Get it Transfiguration is obtained from The Last Wish Raid. It can drop from any major encounter in the raid. Additionally, one Red Border (Deepsight) version can be obtained weekly from the “O Deepsight Mine” quest.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Corkscrew Rifling (balanced stats)
Magazine: Flared Magwell (improves reload speed)
Perk 1: Rapid Hit (increases reload speed on precision hits)
Perk 2: Kinetic Tremors (creates shockwaves for AoE damage)
Masterwork: Reload Speed
PvP God Roll Barrel: Fluted Barrel (improves handling)
Magazine: Accurized Rounds (increases range)
Perk 1: Keep Away (increases range and accuracy when enemies are far)
Perk 2: Explosive Payload (adds flinch and damage)
Masterwork: Handling

Techeun Force Arc Fusion Rifle

Techeun Force

Weapon Name Techeun Force
Weapon Type Fusion RifleFusion Rifle
Tier Rank Tier-A A-tier in PvE and PvP
Slot Arc Arc
Ammo Special Special
Archetype Adaptive
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? A powerful Adaptive Fusion Rifle, though slightly outclassed by other Fusion Rifle archetypes.
How to Get it
  • Drops from any encounter in the Last Wish raid.
  • Can be farmed efficiently by repeatedly completing the first encounter (Kalli) when Last Wish is the weekly featured raid.
  • Drops from secret chests in the raid.
  • Available as a red border (Deepsight) reward from Hawthorne in the Tower after completing a weekly Last Wish raid quest
PvE God Roll Barrel: Arrowhead Brake – Increases handling and reduces recoil direction.
Magazine: Enhanced Battery – Increases magazine size and stability.
Perk 1: Reconstruction – Reloads the weapon every 4 seconds and can overfill it up to double the magazine’s capacity.
Perk 2: Controlled Burst – Increases damage and stability for the first three bursts.
Masterwork: Charge Time – Further decreases the weapon’s charge time.
PvP God Roll Barrel: Arrowhead Brake – Increases handling and reduces recoil direction.
Magazine: Particle Repeater – Increases magazine size and stability.
Perk 1: Under Pressure – Increases accuracy and stability while continuously holding down the trigger.
Perk 2: Kickstart – Increases weapon range and stability after a precision kill.
Masterwork: Handling – Further increases the weapon’s handling.

Apex Predator Rocket Launcher

Apex Predator

Weapon Name Apex Predator
Weapon Type Rocket LauncherRocket Launcher
Tier Rank Tier-S S-tier (PvE), Tier-B B-tier (PvP)
Slot Solar Solar
Ammo Heavy Heavy
Archetype Adaptive
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? The top Rocket Launcher for PvE, with incredible DPS potential and ammo efficiency.
How to Get it Drops from any of the Last Wish raid encounters and secret chests. You can also visit Hawthorne in the Tower to acquire a quest to complete all encounters of the Last Wish raid, which grants you a Deepsight weapon to help you get the patterns quicker.
PvE God Roll Barrel: Quick Launch
Magazine: Impact Casing
Perk 1: Reconstruction
Perk 2: Bait and Switch or Explosive Light
Masterwork: Handling
PvP God Roll Barrel: Smart Drift Control
Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds
Perk 1: Tracking Module or Reconstruction
Perk 2: Collective Action or Vorpal Weapon
Masterwork: Reload Speed or Velocity

Tyranny of Heaven Solar Bow

Tyranny of Heaven

Weapon Name Tyranny of Heaven
Weapon Type Combat BowCombat Bow
Tier Rank Tier-B B-tier (PvE+PvP)
Slot Solar Solar
Ammo Primary Primary
Archetype Lightweight
Rarity Legendary
Is this weapon worth farming? A solid Solar Lightweight Bow with good perks for PvE and PvP.
How to Get it Tyranny of Heaven can be obtained from the Last Wish raid. It drops from any encounter. It is also craftable, allowing to customize its perks.
PvE God Roll Bowstring: Polymer String (slightly increases accuracy and draw time)
Arrow: Straight Fletching (increases the accuracy of the bow)
Perk 1: Archer’s Tempo (decreases the draw time by 25% for 3 seconds after landing a precision shot)
Perk 2: Incandescent (causes enemies killed by the weapon to explode, spreading scorch to nearby enemies)
Masterwork: Draw Time (educes the time it takes to draw the bow, allowing for faster shots)
PvP God Roll Bowstring: Polymer String (slightly increases accuracy and draw time)
Arrow: Straight Fletching (increases the accuracy of the bow)
Perk 1: Archer’s Tempo (decreases the draw time by 25% for 3 seconds after landing a precision shot)
Perk 2: Snapshot (increases the aim down sights speed, allowing for faster target acquisition)
Masterwork: Draw Time (educes the time it takes to draw the bow, allowing for faster shots)

Last Wish Armor Sets

Like all Destiny 2 raids, Last Wish has a unique armor set for each class.

Below, you can see the Last Wish armor sets for Warlocks, Hunters, and Titans.

Titan: Great Hunt Suit Hunter: Great Hunt Suit Warlock: Great Hunt Suit
Helm of the Great Hunt

Gauntlets of the Great Hunt

Plate of the Great Hunt

Greaves of the Great Hunt

Mark of the Great Hunt

Mask of the Great Hunt

Grips of the Great Hunt

Vest of the Great Hunt

Strides of the Great Hunt

Cloak of the Great Hunt

Hood of the Great Hunt

Gloves of the Great Hunt

Robes of the Great Hunt

Boots of the Great Hunt

Bond of the Great Hunt

icon These sets are visually striking (in my opinion) and perfectly match the Dreaming City theme of the raid. They stand out just as much as other popular sets, like the Garden of Salvation gear, and are excellent for transmogrification.

Categorized as Destiny 2

By Zaaid el-Greiss

Meet Zaaid el-Greiss, a top-rated author and avid gamer with deep insights into WoW, Destiny 2, and more, known for his engaging guides and articles.

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