WoW PvE Tier List in TWW Season 2: DPS, Healers, Tanks Rankings

WoW DPS Rankings

The War Within expansion has brought a lot of new exciting PvE content to World of Warcraft, and, as usual, to explore it efficiently, you need a good team with experienced players that give the best DPS, HPS, and can tank bosses (and trash) properly. No matter, what type of PvE content you’re exploring now, be it Liberation of Undermine Raid or Mythic+ dungeons, knowing which classes and specs perform best can make a big difference.

icon In this guide, you will find the most up-to-date information about:

This PvE tier list is not set in stone and will be updated regularly throughout The War Within Season 2. Changes to tier sets, talents, and stat scaling can all affect the performance of different classes.

icon Please note that opinions may differ, and that’s okay—what matters is helping the community make informed decisions when choosing their main or alt each season.

icon Remember that skill is often more important than class, and all specs can perform well with enough practice.

icon While creating this guide, we’ve worked with our top-tier PvE players (raiders and Mythic Plus teams) and theory crafters (most of them have been playing the game since WoW Vanilla, and know almost everything about Azeroth) to ensure this tier list remains accurate and useful.

WoW The War Within DPS Rankings

WoW The War Within DPS Rankings1

This DPS tier list for Mythic Plus dungeons and Liberation of Undermine focuses on players’ performance in the high-level keys and high-end Mythic raid progress. Rankings are determined by a combination of factors, including damage output, utility, and survivability. While DPS remains the primary focus, survivability has gained importance in The War Within, making it a crucial part of the rankings alongside utility.

icon WoW TWW DPS Rankings explained:

  • S-Tier: These classes and specs are at the top of our WoW TWW DPS charts and give the best damage in raid encounters and (or) dungeons. They are considered PvE meta and are expected to dominate damage meters and appear in most Liberation of Undermine and M+ dungeon groups due to their performance and versatility.
  • A-Tier: Strong choices that deliver high DPS and utility, particularly considered one of the best in single-target or AOE damage. While they may not offer the same versatility as S-tier specs, they remain solid picks for both raids and Mythic+ dungeons.
  • B-Tier: These specs are good but fall behind in either damage or utility. While they can still perform well, they lack the edge to consistently compete with higher-tier specs. In other words, they are viable options (especially in good hands) but not meta.
  • C-Tier: These specs are situational, performing well in specific PvE encounters but generally struggling to keep up in overall performance. They have niche uses but are less likely to be seen in the most high-end raid and mythic plus groups.
  • D and F-Tier: Specs that are ranked in these tiers are the worst, and we think that they’re not worth playing in this season unless you are a fan of that specialization or you’re playing it on a top-tier level (or vice versa playing super casually and don’t care about all these rankings). While choosing teammates, unless it’s your friend or guild mate, I would recommend considering guys who play classes that are situated higher in our DPS meta charts to team up with. However, it’s always up to you.

icon Your skill and knowledge of the spec remains far more important than TWW DPS rankings, as usual. You should always play the class you are most comfortable with. DPS Tier lists may shift as balance adjustments and new patches are released during the expansion (we’ll keep this guide up-to-date though).

In Mythic Plus, it’s also worth noting that even lower-tier specs may be chosen for their unique utility, especially if they provide group-wide buffs like Bloodlust or defensive cooldowns.

icon Remember: while DPS remains a priority in PvE raids and Mythic Plus dungeons in The War Within for damage dealers, utility, and survivability are increasingly important in choosing a spec’s place in this season’s tier list.

WoW TWW DPS Tier List: Mythic Plus Dungeons

Class Spec Hero Talents Tier AVG DPS (based on top rankings in M+)
Paladin Paladin Paladin Retribution Retribution Templar Templar Tier-S S 1957.3k
Shaman Shaman Shaman Enhancement Enhancement Totemic Totemic 1981.2k
Shaman Shaman Shaman Elemental Elemental Stormbringer Stormbringer 1877k
Druid Druid Druid Balance Balance Elune's Chosen Elune’s Chosen 1900.6k
Mage Mage Mage Fire Fire Sunfury Sunfury 1771.2k
Death Knight Death Knight Death Knight Unholy Unholy San'layn San’layn 2085.1k
Rogue Rogue Rogue Subtlety Subtlety Trickster Trickster 1915.3k
Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Havoc Havoc Aldrachi Reaver Aldrachi Reaver 1919.5k
Warrior Warrior Warrior Fury Fury Mountain Thane Mountain Thane 1919.7k
Warrior Warrior Warrior Arms Arms Colossus Colossus Tier-A A 1863.1k
Monk Monk Monk Windwalker Windwalker Conduit of the Celestials Conduit of the Celestials 1871.5k
Druid Druid Druid Feral Feral Druid of the Claw Druid of the Claw 1823.3k
Rogue Rogue Rogue Assassination Assassination Deathstalker Deathstalker 1959.1k
Warlock Warlock Warlock Destruction Destruction Hellcaller Hellcaller 1781k
Priest Priest Priest Shadow Shadow Voidweaver Voidweaver 1713.4k
Hunter Hunter Hunter Beast Mastery Beast Mastery Pack Leader Pack Leader 1704.4k
Evoker Evoker Evoker Devastation Devastation Scalecommander Scalecommander 1787.5k
Mage Mage Mage Frost Frost Frostfire Frostfire 1782.7k
Warlock Warlock Warlock Demonology Demonology Diabolist Diabolist 1912k
Hunter Hunter Hunter Marksmanship Marksmanship Sentinel Sentinel 1782.3k
Death Knight Death Knight Death Knight Frost Frost Deathbringer Deathbringer Tier-B B 1803.2k
Rogue Rogue Rogue Outlaw Outlaw Fatebound Fatebound 1622.9k
Hunter Hunter Hunter Survival Survival Sentinel Sentinel 1755.5k
Warlock Warlock Warlock Affliction Affliction Hellcaller Hellcaller 1669.7k
Mage Mage Mage Arcane Arcane Spellslinger Spellslinger 1527.9k
Evoker Evoker Evoker Augmentation Augmentation Scalecommander Scalecommander 1060.1k

WoW TWW DPS Tier List: Liberation of Undermine Raid

Class Spec Hero Talents Tier AVG DPS (based on top rankings in raids)
Warrior Warrior Warrior Arms Arms Slayer Slayer Tier-S S 1994k
Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Havoc Havoc Aldrachi Reaver Aldrachi Reaver 2157k
Rogue Rogue Rogue Subtlety Subtlety Trickster Trickster 2061.4k
Warrior Warrior Warrior Fury Fury Slayer Slayer 2024.2k
Shaman Shaman Shaman Enhancement Enhancement Totemic Totemic 2075k
Mage Mage Mage Fire Fire Sunfury Sunfury 2068.4k
Mage Mage Mage Arcane Arcane Spellslinger Spellslinger 1839.8k
Priest Priest Priest Shadow Shadow Voidweaver Voidweaver 2000.1k
Warlock Warlock Warlock Destruction Destruction Hellcaller Hellcaller 1978.7k
Hunter Hunter Hunter Beast Mastery Beast Mastery Pack Leader Pack Leader Tier-A A 1410.3k
Evoker Evoker Evoker Devastation Devastation Scalecommander Scalecommander 1929.3k
Shaman Shaman Shaman Elemental Elemental Farseer Farseer 1884.7k
Mage Mage Mage Frost Frost Frostfire Frostfire 1863.6k
Druid Druid Druid Balance Balance Keeper of the Grove Keeper of the Grove 1698.3k
Monk Monk Monk Windwalker Windwalker Conduit of the Celestials Conduit of the Celestials 1972.3k
Druid Druid Druid Feral Feral Druid of the Claw Druid of the Claw 1872k
Rogue Rogue Rogue Assassination Assassination Deathstalker Deathstalker 2225.2k
Rogue Rogue Rogue Outlaw Outlaw Fatebound Fatebound 1974.4k
Death Knight Death Knight Death Knight Unholy Unholy Rider of the Apocalypse Rider of the Apocalypse 1847.9k
Warlock Warlock Warlock Affliction Affliction Hellcaller Hellcaller 1931.4k
Warlock Warlock Warlock Demonology Demonology Diabolist Diabolist 1924.3k
Evoker Evoker Evoker Augmentation Augmentation Scalecommander Scalecommander 1298.5k
Hunter Hunter Hunter Marksmanship Marksmanship Sentinel Sentinel Tier-B B 1753.1k
Death Knight Death Knight Death Knight Frost Frost Deathbringer Deathbringer 1911.8k
Paladin Paladin Paladin Retribution Retribution Templar Templar 1784.9k
Hunter Hunter Hunter Survival Survival Sentinel Sentinel 1916.6k

WoW TWW PvE Healer Tier List

WoW TWW PvE Healer Tier List2

This TWW Healers Tier List for Season 2 of The War Within covers performance in Mythic+ dungeons and the Liberation of Undermine Raid. The rankings consider healing specializations based on key factors like total healing output, burst AoE healing, single-target healing, dispel capabilities, and utility (such as crowd control or external defensives). Keep in mind that as balance patches, raid buffs, and dungeon mechanics evolve, these rankings may change throughout the season (we’ll keep this guide up-to-date though).

icon PvE Healers Tiers Explained:

  • S-Tier: These healers are the best for high-level Mythic+ and raid encounters. They excel in healing (most often, their HPS is the highest in charts), utility, and crowd control, delivering top-tier performance and making dungeon and raid runs smoother.
  • A-Tier: Strong picks for Mythic Plus dungeons and TWW raids, with excellent healing and good utility. While they may lack the exceptional stats of S-Tier rank PvE healers, they are still highly effective for most situations and are common in top-level groups.
  • B-Tier: These healers’ specs are good but come with noticeable limitations, such as lower HPS or fewer crowd control options. They can still succeed but require more effort and skill to keep up with the higher tiers, particularly in difficult Mythic+ or raid content (farming low-level keystones and LFR/Normal/Heroic LoU, you will not feel that your character is simply.
  • C-Tier: Healers in this tier struggle more with HPS, utility, or survivability, making them less reliable choices for high-end content. They can still be effective in skilled hands, but they face significant challenges, especially in top-tier PvE raid encounters and high-level M+ keystones.
  • D-Tier: These healers face severe survivability or HPS issues, requiring highly skilled players to even approach viability. They often require extreme effort or tactical sacrifices to perform well in higher-tier content. These specs are generally avoided in most group comps, especially for difficult fights.
  • F-Tier: Healers in this tier have major weaknesses. They may lack key healing tools, utility, or survivability, making them an unreliable choice. These specs typically require immediate attention and balancing from developers to become viable and are rarely seen in competitive Mythic+ or raid groups.

icon PvE Healers tier lists below are intended as a guide to help players choose the best specs for Mythic+ dungeons and raids. However, your skill, team play, and encounter mechanics can have a greater impact on success than simply choosing a meta spec. Lower-tier healers can still outperform top-tier specs when piloted by skilled players, so individual ability matters more than the tier ranking alone.

icon Additionally, balance patches and content updates can shift the PvE Healers meta, so this list may change as the season progresses. Always prioritize playing a healer that you are comfortable with and one that fits your team’s needs.

WoW TWW Healer Rankings (Mythic Plus)

Class Spec Hero Talents Tier Explanation
Priest Priest Priest Discipline Discipline Voidweaver Voidweaver
Oracle Oracle
Tier-S S The Discipline Priest‘s revamp favors Voidweaver Voidweaver for consistent Shadow Covenant and Rift benefits, excelling in burst AoE and damage reduction with tools like Lenience and Power Word: Barrier. Mass Dispel and Mind Soothe add significant value in dungeons, especially for magic dispels and convenient skips.
Monk Monk Monk Mistweaver Mistweaver Master of Harmony Master of Harmony
Conduit of the Celestials Conduit of the Celestials
Mistweaver Monks received updates for Season 2, enhancing single-target healing efficiency with Invoke Chi-Ji and Jade Empowerment. They excel in dungeons with powerful healing cooldowns, crowd control, and damage output, though their cooldowns may not match Druids or Discipline Priests for the heaviest damage. They remain strong healers for both high-end and casual groups.
Shaman Shaman Shaman Restoration Restoration Totemic Totemic Tier-A A Restoration Shaman excels in pick-up groups in Season 2 with strong dispels, raid buffs, crowd control, and burst AoE healing from Totemic Totemic Hero Talents. However, their sustained healing output and mana efficiency in dungeons may fall short compared to other healers, especially after major cooldowns are used.
Druid Druid Druid Restoration Restoration Wildstalker Wildstalker
Keeper of the Grove Keeper of the Grove
The Restoration Druid is highly effective in Season 2, excelling in dispels, damage, crowd control, and healing efficiency due to the Mastery: Harmony change. It is a top choice for high-level dungeons with its high HPS, crowd control, and priority healing, enhanced by the Mark of the Wild buff.
Paladin Paladin Paladin Holy Holy Herald of The Sun Herald of The Sun Tier-BB Holy Paladin‘s Season 2 updates enhance casted abilities like Holy Light, but high mana costs and lower HPS limit their effectiveness in high-healing scenarios. They offer strong utility with short kick cooldowns, damage reduction, crowd control, and blessings, excelling against poisons and bleeds, but need further tuning for better representation.
Priest Priest Priest Holy Holy Oracle Oracle
Archon Archon
Holy Priest excels in single-target healing and utility with Lightweaver, Power Infusion, Mind Soothe, and Mass Dispel, but struggles with AoE healing and lacks an interrupt, making them less effective in high-level dungeons compared to peers.
Evoker Evoker Evoker Preservation Preservation Chronowarden Chronowarden Tier-C C Preservation Evoker is a top healer in Season 2 with strong combo healing, dispels, and crowd control, though it requires careful setup and resource management. Its external, Time Dilation, and Chronowarden Chronowarden talents enhance healing and cooldown reduction, making it a valuable choice despite the complexity.

WoW TWW Healer Rankings (Liberation of Undermine Raid)

Class Spec Hero Talents Tier Explanation
Monk Monk Monk Mistweaver Mistweaver Master of Harmony Master of Harmony
Conduit of the Celestials Conduit of the Celestials
Tier-S S Mistweaver Monks received significant changes in The War Within, emphasizing a “fistweaving” playstyle with Ancient Teachings and damage buffs. They excel in consistent healing with Invoke Yu’lon and strong tier set bonuses, but require skilled management of buffs and interactions, making them challenging yet powerful in the right hands.
Priest Priest Priest Discipline Discipline Oracle Oracle Discipline Priests have seen significant simplifications and buffs, making them easier to play and more competitive in the current expansion. Their versatility, strong healing, and damage output make them a valuable addition to any raid, though their survivability and mobility remain key weaknesses.
Priest Priest Priest Holy Holy Archon Archon Tier-A A Holy Priests began the War Within strong with a Lightweaver and Apotheosis playstyle, and are receiving significant changes in 11.1, including improved Apotheosis uptime and a powerful new survivability talent. Their versatility and strong healing make them valuable, though survivability and mobility remain weaknesses.
Druid Druid Druid Restoration Restoration Keeper of the Grove Keeper of the Grove Restoration Druids faced initial challenges in the War Within but became versatile healers with strong ramp healing and mobility after patches 11.0.5 and 11.0.7. Their ability to provide spot healing and adapt to high-movement fights makes them valuable, though their throughput and utility keep them from being top-tier.
Shaman Shaman Shaman Restoration Restoration Totemic Totemic Tier-B B Restoration Shamans received a good revamp for the War Within, addressing mana issues and improving access to key spells. Their versatility and unique utility make them valuable, but they struggle to outperform more specialized healers in specific areas.
Evoker Evoker Evoker Preservation Preservation Flameshaper Flameshaper Preservation Evokers initially dominated the War Within with powerful burst healing but have since been nerfed. Their utility and survivability remain strong, but they fall short compared to other ramp healers in the current tier.
Paladin Paladin Paladin Holy Holy Herald of The Sun Herald of The Sun Tier-C C Holy Paladins had a rough start in the War Within but saw improvements with the 11.0.5 revamp. Their utility remains strong, but their healing throughput lags behind other classes.

WoW TWW PvE Tank Tier List

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The PvE tier list below covers the current Tank meta in The War Within Season 2. It was formed based on high-level Mythic+ keys and Liberation of Undermine Mythic raid progress.

icon TWW Tanks are ranked based on three key factors: survivability, DPS, and utility. While damage has always been important, utility and survivability have gained more importance this season, especially in the challenging dungeon pool and high-end raid encounters (I mean the last bosses in Heroic and Mythic).

  • S-Tier: Tanks from this tier have the best survivability, utility, and the highest DPS, making them meta and must-have in most high-end groups.
  • A-Tier: These tanks provide excellent survivability, solid utility, and good damage. They are commonly seen in top-tier raid groups and are Mythic+ teams. Sure thing, they’re a bit worse than their competitors that stand higher in this TWW tanks chart, but you will never regret playing such a character.
  • B-Tier: Reliable tanks that can handle all content, but they may lack the edge in one or more areas compared to A-Tier tanks. Still solid picks for most groups, but they may require more effort to keep up with top-tier tanks.
  • C-Tier: Tanks with more noticeable weaknesses. They can still be effective but require skilled play to succeed in high-end content. These tanks may struggle more with certain mechanics or damage output.
  • D and F-Tier: Tanks from these tiers are the worst. Consider playing them for fun or if you don’t care about the current game meta and have your own visions of how World of Warcraft should be played. However, we think that these specs need to be buffed or even totally reconsidered by Blizzard’s game developers.

icon TWW tank tier lists below are meant to guide players in Liberation of Undermine Mythic raid progression and Mythic+ dungeons. While the rankings offer insights into the current meta, it’s important to remember that player skill, encounter mechanics, and team comp play a huge role in overall performance. A lower-tier tank played by a skilled player can outperform a higher-tier tank (even if it’s a current tank meta) in various fights.

icon Additionally, balance changes and patch updates can shift the rankings over time, so this list may change as the season progresses. We’ll keep this guide updated to reflect any changes in the meta. You should always choose the tank class you’re most comfortable with, as personal preference and knowledge of your spec often matter more than the tier ranking, especially if you’re not competing at the highest levels of Mythic+ and NP raid.

WoW TWW Tank Rankings (Mythic Plus)

Class Spec Hero Talents Tier Explanation
Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Vengeance Vengeance Aldrachi Reaver Aldrachi Reaver Tier-S S Vengeance Demon Hunter received major buffs in Season 2, including longer Demon Spikes, improved Cycle of Binding, and Feed the Demon requiring only one talent point, enabling builds with all capstones. Aldrachi Reaver Aldrachi also got a significant boost with Wounded Quarry. With Chaos Brand, top-tier survivability, damage, and self-sustain, often matching DPS on priority targets.
Paladin Paladin Paladin Protection Protection Lightsmith Lightsmith Protection Paladin‘s Season 2 tierset and Refining Fire saw significant nerfs, with Uther’s Counsel cooldown reduction halved from 30% to 15%. Despite these changes, it remains a top-tier tank due to competitive damage and unmatched group utility like Blessing of Spellwarding, Lay on Hands, and infinite interrupts with Avenger’s Shield.
Death Knight Death Knight Death Knight Blood Blood San'layn San’layn Tier-A A Blood Death Knight excels in self-sustain and survivability, requiring minimal healer attention, making it ideal for independent play. However, mistakes are punishing, as poor Rune Power management or lapses in defense can lead to death. With strong tools like Anti-Magic Zone and Anti-Magic Shell, it fits well in Season 2’s group survivability checks.
Warrior Warrior Warrior Protection Protection Colossus Colossus Protection Warrior saw changes in Season 2, with harder rage generation but stronger rage spenders. Their damage and survivability remain strong, except against unblockable, unreflectable, or self-healing-heavy mechanics. While Shield Wall helps, some scenarios demanding self-sustain or immunities can be challenging.
Druid Druid Druid Guardian Guardian Elune's Chosen Elune’s Chosen Tier-B B Guardian Druid saw talent changes in Season 2, with Frenzied Regeneration now on a longer cooldown, reducing self-healing. Ursol’s Warding is niche, often leading to lower-damage builds to compensate. While it still offers Mark of the Wild and potential damage boosts with Raze.
Monk Monk Monk Brewmaster Brewmaster Shado-pan Shado-pan Brewmaster Monk can survive most encounters but relies on external healing, aided by Celestial Fortune and Vivify. With Mystic Touch more relevant and competitive damage, they perform well.

WoW TWW Tank Rankings (Liberation of Undermine Raid)

Class Spec Hero Talents Tier Explanation
Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Vengeance Vengeance Fel-Scarred Fel-Scarred Tier-S S Vengeance Demon Hunter provides Chaos Brand, a crucial raid buff, making it a likely choice for top guilds to fill one of the two Tank spots. While Vengeance offers solid damage and durability, it requires balancing offense and defense through build adjustments and cooldown management, unlike most other Tanks.
Death Knight Death Knight Death Knight Blood Blood San'layn San’layn Blood Death Knight remains highly durable with strong self-healing, requiring minimal Healer attention, despite recent changes to Death Strike. Its utility, like Anti-Magic Zone and frequent grips, can be valuable, though not mandatory, in certain fights. While it lacks a raid buff, this tier’s flexibility may allow more room for non-buff Tanks like Blood DK.
Monk Monk Monk Brewmaster Brewmaster Shado-pan Shado-pan Tier-A A Brewmasters provide Mystic Touch, a valuable raid buff, keeping them relevant despite being slightly weaker offensively and defensively compared to other Tanks. Button bloat, a common complaint, has been improved in The War Within, making the spec more accessible. If this was a barrier before, it’s worth giving Brewmaster another try.
Paladin Paladin Paladin Protection Protection Lightsmith Lightsmith
Templar Templar
Paladins bring Devotion Aura and strong utility like Blessing of Spellwarding, though these may not be essential in Liberation of Undermine. Their standout feature is their high DPS contribution, making them a strong choice in a tier where survivability is manageable and raid buffs are easily covered by other roles. This elevates them above other Tanks in this context.
Warrior Warrior Warrior Protection Protection Colossus Colossus
Mountain Thane Mountain Thane
Tier-B B Warriors provide Battle Shout, though many teams may rely on DPS Warriors for this buff. While their utility is limited, their strong damage and durability make them a popular Tank choice. If raid buffs are covered, many players will favor Warriors for their solid performance.
Druid Druid Druid Guardian Guardian Elune's Chosen Elune’s Chosen
Druid of the Claw Druid of the Claw
Guardian Druids bring Mark of the Wild, though Balance Druids often cover this buff. With access to Hero Talent trees like Druid of the Claw Druid of the Claw and Elune's Chosen Elune’s Chosen, they offer flexible playstyles for single-target or multi-target situations. Their utility, including Stampeding Roar and Innervate, also adds significant value.


By Zaaid el-Greiss

Meet Zaaid el-Greiss, a top-rated author and avid gamer with deep insights into WoW, Destiny 2, and more, known for his engaging guides and articles.

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