WoW The War Within Leveling Guide: Fast Ways to Reach Level 80

WoW The War Within Leveling Guide

In The War Within, the latest World of Warcraft expansion, reaching level 80 is a top goal for many players. Whether you’re leveling your main character or speeding through on your alts, this guide offers the fastest methods to get to the level cap.

icon From this guide, you will learn:

icon To level up from 70 to 80, you’ll need 2,481,285 XP. Simply completing the main campaign won’t get you there, so you’ll need to engage in side quests, dungeons, or other activities to reach the cap. If you don’t have the time to level up your character on your own, our WoW Power Leveling services are here to help.

The War Within Campaign and Warband Benefits

The War Within Campaign and Warband Benefits

The War Within campaign takes you through four new zones with a fixed progression for your first character. Once completed, Adventure Mode unlocks, allowing your alts to tackle content in any order they prefer.

icon The Warband system offers great benefits, such as shared Reputation and stacking XP boosts. For every character in your Warband that hits level 80, the rest of your characters receive up to a 25% XP boost (5-10-15-20-25%), making it easier to level alts quickly.

icon Quick Summary:

  • The fastest way to level up a main character in The War Within is to focus on the main story campaign first. This gives you a solid chunk of XP and unlocks Adventure Mode for your alts. Complete as many dungeons as you can along the way, as they provide quick XP and gear. Make sure to also pick up side quests and participate in World Events for additional XP. If you’re running low on XP before hitting 80, use Delves or random daily dungeons to top it off.
  • For alt characters, dungeon spam is the fastest method. With a good group, running dungeons back-to-back will quickly get your alts to level 80. Adventure Mode allows you to do the main campaign in any order, and your Warband XP boost (up to 25%) helps speed up leveling for all alts.
    • Alternatively, you can do a full zone clear, completing every quest, side quest, and World Event to maximize XP if dungeon spam isn’t an option.

The Fastest 1-70 Leveling Method

The Fastest 170 Leveling Method

  • From level 1 to 10, focus on simple kill quests from Kill Boards in starter zones for fast XP.
  • Once you reach level 10, team up with a Free Trial character and use Timewalking mode to spawn and kill rares for a quick experience.
  • From level 20 to 30, keep farming rares by switching between normal mode and starter mode to increase rare spawns. This will boost your leveling speed.
  • At level 35 and higher, use party sync to complete quests you outlevel. Turn off party sync to finish quests easily, then turn it back on to get full XP from the turn-ins. This method helps you level faster.
  • Stick to rare farming and party sync for maximum XP gain until you reach level 70. This approach is fast and efficient without the need for long questing sessions.

Check this video for more information:

How Level Up Fast in WoW TWW (70-80)

Main Story Quests

icon The main campaign is essential for unlocking content for your alts and offers a significant amount of XP. Prioritize completing the main quests first, especially for your main character, to unlock Adventure Mode. However, the campaign alone won’t take you to level 80.

Side Quests and World Events

Side Quests and World Events

icon Side quests in each zone provide extra XP, gear, and Reputation. World Events are another excellent source of XP, requiring simple tasks like defeating mobs or gathering resources. Keep an eye on these while progressing through the zones.

Dungeon Runs

Dungeon Runs

icon Dungeons remain one of the fastest ways to level up if you have a good group. You’ll want high-DPS teammates to clear dungeons quickly, making it easier to run multiple dungeons back-to-back. Tanks and Healers benefit from shorter queue times, while DPS players might face longer waits, though dungeon queues are still relatively fast in this new expansion.

icon Here’s how to do the WoW TWW dungeon leveling:

  • Dungeon spam: Look for a dedicated group of players in your guild or the Looking for Group channel.
  • Bring friends: Having reliable friends in your party will make dungeon grinding smoother and quicker.
  • Daily random dungeons: Even if dungeon spam isn’t your preferred method, doing a daily random dungeon for the extra XP is still worthwhile.
  • Complete dungeon quests. As in any other expansion, completing each dungeon at least once is a must-have: it allows you to complete its inner quests. On the one hand, these quests grant a lot of experience. On the other hand, rewards for these quests may also be tempting, allowing you to get new useful gear that will make your character stronger and therefore speed up your leveling (indirectly).

icon The Dungeon Finder tool has always been a double-edged sword: on the one hand, it allows you to save time searching for decent teammates in the LFG (we recommend not wasting time, searching for dungeon teammates manually – it’s way more efficient to farm quests while the system searches for a group for you). On the other hand, the quality of teammates it offers is far from perfect, and you may have to wipe a lot or even have to deal with the inappropriate behavior of some party members without any real reason. However, we’re 100% sure that the abovementioned logic inside TWW dungeons will make your leveling much faster and probably even more diverse and enjoyable.



icon Delves are a new feature in The War Within, acting as dungeon-like instances with a unique progression system. You can complete Delves solo with an NPC companion, making them a flexible and efficient option for leveling up. Delves offer XP, gear, and seasonal rewards, making them valuable for both leveling and endgame.

Warmode and PvP Talents

Warmode and PvP Talents

icon Turn on Warmode when you reach Dornogal, the main capital of The War Within. If your faction dominates the area, leave Warmode on to enjoy a 10% XP bonus and access to PvP talents. If you’re getting outnumbered, you can easily turn it off in safe zones.

Crafting for XP

Crafting for XP

icon Crafting professions in The War Within give XP for “first crafts.” Each new item you craft grants up to 15,000 XP, which can add up quickly. Though the XP gain is capped at 15 first crafts, this can still give you a nice XP boost, especially if you craft around level 79. If you pick up Enchanting and Tailoring, you won’t need to buy extra materials as cloth drops are specific to having Tailoring as a profession.

The Fastest Leveling Route

The Fastest Leveling Route

  1. Start at the Isle of Dorn:
    • Begin with the main campaign questline.
    • Upon reaching Dornogal, turn on Warmode to check if your faction holds the majority. If so, leave it on for the XP bonus.
    • Complete the main story quests while picking up key side quests, like “The Boroughbreaker” and “Not Enough Minerals.”
  2. The Ringing Deeps:
    • Continue with the main campaign and pick up side quests around Shadowvein Point, such as “Listener Lost” and “Desperately Seeking Skorthuz.”
  3. Hallowfall:
    • Focus on the main campaign, but make sure to grab and complete side quests like “Arcane Trickles” and “For Morale” to maximize your XP gain.
  4. Azj-Kahet:
    • Finish the main campaign here, combining side quests like “The Second Front” to reach level 80. When you’re close to 80, consider using your professions to craft for a final XP boost.


icon Getting to level 80 in The War Within is all about using the right mix of main quests, side quests, dungeons, and other activities like Delves and crafting. Start by focusing on the main story to unlock Adventure Mode and Warband bonuses, which make leveling alts easier. Dungeon runs are a fast way to gain XP, especially with a good group, and crafting can give you a helpful XP boost near the end. By following the leveling route through each zone, balancing main quests with side quests and dungeon runs, you’ll hit level 80 efficiently and be ready for endgame challenges.


By Zaaid el-Greiss

Meet Zaaid el-Greiss, a top-rated author and avid gamer with deep insights into WoW, Destiny 2, and more, known for his engaging guides and articles.

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